Do the thoughts of food ever go away...

KCB1978 Posts: 113
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
OK so its only day 2 but I really can't stop about eating... As soon as I am finished eating I am thinking about what I am having to eat next... Like right now I am thinking about what I am going to have for breakfast :(


  • eryn415
    eryn415 Posts: 98 Member
    Not for me and I have lost 30 pounds!
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    I now how you feel but it does get easier as you get used to the change in lifestyle, I now start to think when am i going to workout next.
  • i find i'm constantly thinkin bout food, am doin ok to limit myself at mo but dont know how long that will last!!
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I ALWAYS think about food.
    I love food. I love to eat food. I love the smell of food. The look of food. And cooking food.

    That will never change, whether I am trying to lose weight, or maintain, or just stop caring!
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    The first two weeks I was watching my calorie intake, I would literally have daydreams of chocolate cake. My body was freaking out without any junk food. That kind of stuff dies down once your body gets used to the new diet. I do allow myself to have small treats now and then so I don't feel too restricted. It's OK to indulge every now and again, but not every day and within reason.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Until you figure out a core diet that fits into your calorie and nutrient goals, it's hard to stop thinking about food. It took me about a month. I wasn't thinking about food because I was hungry, but rather because I was trying to make changes.

    Then as soon as i got that under control, MFP dropped my calorie goal because I'd lost ten pounds. :grumble: But it wasn't that bad to readjust.

    I think that folks who have been using food as a buffer between themselves and their feelings have a really hard time not thinking of food all the time, as their coping mechanism has been stripped away and now they're under more stress with the diet.
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