I'm relatively new here

temptech Posts: 17 Member
My name is Rhonda and I've been using the food tracker on MFP for a few months. I've tried to lose weight by doing the minimum amount neccesary. Well guess what its not working. :grumble: I'm sure you all know that by now, and so do I. I do not have any
motivation to exercise. I am really good at excuses, but not so good and controlling my calorie intake. Any suggestions? Step one is realizing you have a problem right? Well I'm there, now how do I change a lifetime of bad habits?

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • Carmendu
    Carmendu Posts: 409
    hi!! Great to have you here. Yes you have taken the first step. Next is to figure out what you need to do and then do it. Feel free to friend me if you like.