

  • seemichellerun
    BMI is 26.9 which puts me in the obese range.

    That's me in my profile pic, I don't think I'm obese at all.

    No it doesn't, that would put you in teh 'overweight' range, not obese.

    And no, you certainly do not look obese!

    BAH! I meant to put overweight. Clearly not enough coffee today.
    Either way, I have a flat tummy and I'm starting to see visible abs. Because I'm short and carry more muscle, it gives me a higher BMI which means my health insurance wants to charge me a higher premium because I'm at an "unhealthy weight." I'm currently working with my doctor to file paperwork proving that I'm the picture of health and therefore shouldn't be charged more. BMI is NOT a reliable method of charting fitness.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    BMI is NOT a reliable method of charting fitness.

    This this this! In my user pic (working on getting back there) I was 140 lbs, just barely under the BMI line of "healthy" (24.0). I also had only 20% body fat.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    27, which puts me in the pretty overweight category. I've got some extra baby fat from pregnancy, but really don't look anything else except a bit chubbier than I was before.. My tummy is completely flat again, and the only place you can see extra poundage is my arms, legs, and a bit on my hips. I'm definitely not bordering obese.

    When Arnold Schwarzenegger was in his prime, his BMI was about 33, which would technically make him obese, yet his body fat was down near 3%, so he clearly wasn't. BMI does not measure body fat composition, and doesn't take it into account, so it's not accurate for athletes at all. It hasn't been accurate for me since I was in high school and training like mad in three different sports at once.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    BMI = JOKE.

    % Body fat is what is most important to focus on.