I need support

Indygirlien Posts: 7 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I feel like Im doing this on my own. Ive been back and forth between 170-220 lbs in 8 years. I cannot seem to lose this. My friends "try" to help but they are all skinny! I just want to get there too! I love working out, Im just not sure the whole calories in/ calories out is working!


  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    You've come to the right place and you CAN do it! The calories in/calories out really does work, as long as calories in < calories out, but weight loss is about more than just counting calories - it's about adopting a healthy eating and exercise plan that you can stick with for life. Throw the word 'diet' out of your vocabulary. This is about making permanent lifestyle changes.
  • You've come to the right place and you CAN do it! The calories in/calories out really does work, as long as calories in < calories out, but weight loss is about more than just counting calories - it's about adopting a healthy eating and exercise plan that you can stick with for life. Throw the word 'diet' out of your vocabulary. This is about making permanent lifestyle changes.

    Wise words..lifestyle change.
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I hear the same thing from my MIL. She always tells me she only eats a certain amount of calories per day, but she just can't lose the weight. BUT when I watch her eat, she eats nothing but sugar and carbs - littlle or no protein. It's not JUST about calories in/calories out, but the kind of food you are eating. You must eat the right kinds of food to feed your body in a healthy way. MFP is a great source for information regarding what you should be eating to reach your goals and wonderful for support as well. Best wishes in your journey!
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    I agree with srp2011. You can do it - just keep logging your food and exercise, take ownership of what you are eating, and feed off the fantastic support available on this site. Good luck
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You've come to the right place! Feel free to friend me if you'd like...

    I can totally relate to you! Most of my friends are thin/ner so it can be tough to be the big girl always trying diets unsuccessfully. I'm also with you on the exercise is great but how do I eat right thing... It is a learning process but tracking your food is a great step in the right direction.

    Good luck!!
  • You can TOTALLY do this! These days happen and that's completely normal, and I know it sucks, but that's OK!!!! It's going to happen, and you're probably going to feel like giving up sometimes, but bad days are (sadly) just part of the journey. The more bad days you fight through, the less you'll have because you're closer to your goals, closer to "checking off" that workout for the day, closer to feeling amazing and looking great! I love the quote "If a man achieves victory over this body, who in the world can exercise power over him? He who rules himself rules over the whole world." ~Vinoba Bhave. Think of it that way. This is about more than just being skinny like your friends, or getting to a nice number on the scale. This is about YOU taking control of your life!! The calories in/ calories out is not a diet trend, it's just how weight loss and weight gain works. You might not have to "count calories" forever if you can get a grasp on healthy foods and good portion sizes.. BEST OF LUCK!! KEEP GOING!!!
  • Good for you for reaching out for support. Its important to be able to describe to people here or in your everyday life what kind of support you need. Is it cheering you on? Is it accountability? Is it education about how food affects your weight loss? Where are you having trouble showing up--food, exercise, dealing with stress/emotions?

    Identify which area(s) are hardest and what kind of support would be most helpful. Then identify who may be good candidates for that support. If your choices are limited, don't be afraid to coach people through ways to be most helpful to you.

    This community is a good place to get lots of cheerleading. Best wishes to you. This process is a journey. You have the power to make it work for you.
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    I think like everyone else you have reply to your add, I as of couple of months ago thought I will never loose the weight that I need to, to feel better, and I realize that I wasn't along in this long battle, my good friend send me an invitation to join mfp and I think is great she is also my friend here and always is cheering me on, my BFF since 6th grade is my friend here too and as well is always cheering me on, I absolutly think like you, but it isn't imposible, we just have to work a littlebit harded then others.
    Don't give up keep up the good work that so far you have acomplish and one day you are going to look back and say I DID IT.

    Feel free to add me as you friend and think we all need the motivation and having one more friend is always good!!!
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