So... about that diet soda

lrnlvr Posts: 11 Member
whats your guys thoughts on Diet soda? i have been a pop freak for the longest time, and naturally i have gone cold turkey. I drink maybe 1 can worth of diet a day and it tastes awful! but the funny thing is that im finding myself getting acclimated to the taste. is all the hype on diet soda true ? i read all these reviews that state that any liquid should be counted towards your 8 glasses a day, but im also well aware that sodium within the soda can defeat its purpose. any thoughts on the matter. any hardcore diet drinkers still losing a decent amount of weight ? thanks in advance


  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I stick with the water or green tea.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Diet soda isn't water, and it can't be used in your water count. You'll really be better off if you give up the soda completely (even diet).
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    I drink a diet soda a day - it gives me a bit of caffeine in the middle of the day and something sweet. Everything in moderation is my thing. I couldn't imagine completely cutting it out. I don't count it towards my water intake as the caffeine and sodium is considered to counteract the water in it.

    I'm the opposite of you though, I can't stand the taste of regular soda!
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I went cold turkey from regular to diet years ago. People told me that after awhile I wouldn't be able to stand the taste of real soda, and I was skeptical. (I was a hardcore soda user). Turns out they were right. It took a few weeks, but now if I inadvertently get a regular soda at a restaurant, I can immediately tell and hate it. I don't know about the hype (as I sit here with two empty Diet Coke cans on my desk), but it's my one vice, and I'm not giving it up.
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    I dont count soda as water...Then again I dont count coffee as water, tea as water etc. If its not water I dont count it.
  • hoosiermama100
    I drink diet pop here or there, not more then 1x a day but for me it takes away the munchies/hunger for a bit - anything carbonated seems to help. I eat less on the days I have a diet pop.
  • goingtobefit2015
    goingtobefit2015 Posts: 408 Member
    I gave up soda a few months ago....had given it up one time for 3 years then went back. But SO glad not to be drinking it now. It made me feel bloated all the time and swell. I now only drink water and unsweet tea!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I dont count soda as water...Then again I dont count coffee as water, tea as water etc. If its not water I dont count it.

    Ditto. Nothing replaces water.
  • Diem30
    Diem30 Posts: 92
    I was a soda fiend, cutting out soda and sugary drinks and switching it for water I lost 15 pounds (before MFP) in 2 months that may not seem like alot but I did nothing different I ate the same crap I used to and barely exercised, just cutting out those drinks helped me lose weight so *DIET* to me is just a way for them to sell the same junk with a "healthy" lable on it. You look at the lable and see all those 0 and thats all it is zero calories and zero nutritional value.
  • denisecc
    denisecc Posts: 72 Member
    I used to drink diet soda at least a few times a week. Now I drink lots of water, and they have those little packets by crystal light or walmart has there brand that you can add to your water. They taste really good too. I opt for diet ocean spray juice when I want something different. The sweetners in diet soda gave me headaches too I noticed. Try different things till you find something you really like..
  • jsoaper01
    jsoaper01 Posts: 99 Member
    I would like to give up diet soda but I cant. Its my one vise now. I feel like I am doing everything else right so that will just be what it is.
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    I have drank diet soda since I started dieting in January (drank before also-never liked the "regular" soda). I don't know for certain that it doesn't interfere with weight loss since I haven't tried to lose without it, but I'm positive it won't keep you from losing weight, I've been losing pretty consistently (around 1.5-2 pounds a week) and have drank it the whole time! But I wouldn't count it in your water because, like you pointed out, it contains sodium.
  • trudy45
    trudy45 Posts: 83
    i say if it is something you like!! everything in moderation!! i love love love coca cola have always drank too much. but i have cut away back maybe have a sip here and there when i need one or a can with my takeaway at the weekend but as long as you count it into your diary there is no reason why you cant have it! but also think of this - would you rather not have the calories to eat rather than drink when you can have water? i know some days i would ratehr drink it but most days id rather eat haha! good luck x
  • emadigan
    emadigan Posts: 89 Member
    I gave up soda three years ago when I was researching type 2 diabetes and learned that its pretty much the devil. I still have a zero-calorie soda once in a great while if I'm craving it. Usually one or two sips does it for me. I can't stand soda anymore.

    My question is, if you don't like the taste of the diet, why bother drinking it? It sounds like you are forcing yourself to become acclimated to you.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I just want to add a different perspective here. Diet soda may not contain actual sugar so it can be calorie free and seem less harmful, but there are acids in all sodas, including diet, that are harmful to your teeth. Any beverage containing sugars or acids should be kept to meal times only, not between meals, to help reduce the number of times a day your teeth are exposed to acids which cause demineralization and eventually decay. I know this isn't from a "diet" standpoint, but I feel it is equally important.
  • TheEnd10
    TheEnd10 Posts: 20 Member
    I heard once that you count juice as water; caffeinated beverages at 50%-so if you drink 8 ounces, you can count 4 ounces as water; and alcohol as 0% water.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    The chemicals are bad for you. So is smoking and drinking and breathing for that matter. Use it as a treat and not a daily vice.
  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    I don't count it as water. I get in all my plain water though, but I still have a soda if I want, esp when I'm out.

    I've quit before and my weight didn't change. My weight is changing and I still have it. I do Coke Zero because I love it.

    I've tracked days where I drink regular soda, diet soda, and no soda. I note my moods, cravings, etc. I see NO change in what I crave or how I feel whether I have soda or not, and my weight is always a 1 lb loss no matter what, as long as I follow my calories alloted here on MFP. I've only got about 40 lbs tosome people it can be a problem, but everyone is different. I know some people have issues with kidney stones or their teeth, but until I do then I'm stubborn and I'm going to do what I want.
  • aeckels616
    aeckels616 Posts: 210 Member
    I think 1 a day is pretty frequent. If you must drink it, try sticking to 1 per week. Diet sodas still contain caffiene which dehydrates you, so don't count it as water. Carbonation, aspartame, sucralose, caffiene, sodium... None of these things do your body any good and could potentially be hazardous. If you want a sweet replacement for water, try sobe's fuji apple/cranberry drink. Only 5 calories per 8 oz and no aspartame.
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    I hate the taste of diet soda. Like, completely despise. If you don't really care for the taste, why drink it? You should find another healthier substitute that tastes better.