down in the dumps :( please help x

ive worked out now 2 days in a row and they were hard after todays workout i fell really low in my self is this normal ? i was close to tears on my way home for no reason at all? anyone shed some light xx


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member

    What kind of workouts are you doing? Are they hard on you physically (you have trouble keeping up) or mentally (you are getting confused trying to follow a new class or routing)?

    In order to stick with the workouts long term, you need to find something you ENJOY - whatever you did the last two days, it doesn't seem to fit that! Perhaps for your next workout, just go for a walk in a nice park.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Hey there,
    How is your diet going? If you have too low of a net calorie intake, it can make you feel that way too. Smile, and keep your head up!
  • angrabb
    angrabb Posts: 5
    I get like this around the time of my period... Not sure if that is with everyone, but I get really upset too.

    The previous post reminded me... I have to eat more carbs the week before and of or I get like this quite often. Just be sure you are getting what your body needs.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member

    No, I don't think it is normal actually, exercise is supposed to make you feel good. Was it maybe a) too intense, b) the wrong time of day or c) had you had very little to eat (low blood sugar makes me very tearful and negative about exercise). Any of those things might make you feel bad?
  • chez12345
    hey hun well i did aquatone in the pool which i loved n felt fine after then did legs bums and tums today it was a good workout physically but i had to keep having rest i dont know if its because im not used to working out ? or whether it was because i didnt have time to eat before the class someone said it maybe due to lack of vitamins but i didnt think vitamins affected your mood? xx thanx for your reply xx
  • Behavioral
    I agree that you should find something you like and that will make a difference. That said, here are some other thoughts:
    1. Blood sugar got too low? Did you fuel up b4 the workout. One of the symptoms of low blood sugar is what looks like sadness, then anger. As an EMT, we are taught that with sudden explosive or inordinately sad behavior to check blood sugar.
    2. Tired? Post workout lethargy. In crisis management we are taught that someone who goes through crisis behavior episodes has a "post crisis" phase where physiology is lowered in general, perhaps you worked hard enough to use up your body's resources and were essentially in a post crisis phase due to muscle fatigue
    3. PMS? It's an old standby for weird moods for a reason.

    Just some thoughts. I hope you are able to find you answers so you can enjoy your workouts.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    hey hun well i did aquatone in the pool which i loved n felt fine after then did legs bums and tums today it was a good workout physically but i had to keep having rest i dont know if its because im not used to working out ? or whether it was because i didnt have time to eat before the class someone said it maybe due to lack of vitamins but i didnt think vitamins affected your mood? xx thanx for your reply xx

    Are you eating enough calories in a day? Your body need fuel to function, and if you're burning it up without feeding the machine, the machine is going to break down and you can easily feel bad like this.
  • chez12345
    thank you for everyone that replied i think it is to do with me not having eaten before hand i will remember to make that a cert next time xx again thank you for your kind words xx
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    Life is complicated. Perhaps your emotions are tied to your workouts, or perhaps they are founded in something else. You may find that if you are doubtful about your ability to stay with your program, or if you're feeling overwhelmed by what you've committed to, or if you are finding it hard to do the work involved you could be leaving the gym feeling down.

    Are there any other stressors? Are you eating a well-balanced diet? Are you sleeping well? Are you expecting your period?

    A day or two of the blues is not out of the ordinary for most of us, every once in a while. Hang in there, you're doing something good for yourself and that can only help the situation.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    legs, bums and tums can be really hard when you first start because you have to build up your core strength before some of the exercises becme feasible. So maybe it made you feel a bit depressed to find the exercises difficult.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I hope you get to feeling better soon. We all go through weird times. Maybe you could try a different excersize, or time of day to work out? I think a day of rest may be what you need right now.

    Maybe if you chilled with your super cool self, and planned out a few low impact work outs for the rest of the week? Your awesome, remember that.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I feel very lethargic and tired if I don't have a snack first. Eat something to fuel yourself and maybe have a low cal gatorade...only 30 calories but give you some energy as you work out. Hang in there, when I first started going to the gym, I felt overwhelmed but now the high I get from working out is awesome!