alright one more time, explain thsi to me so i can get it pl



  • Sierrasmommy
    I think Spark's # includes your estimated exercise for the day to give you the calorie target, whereas MFP gives you the non-exercise baseline and lets us add it in when we record our exercise. In theory the MFP way should be more accurate, but the simple math behind it really seems to blow a lot of people's minds.

    The simple math behind eating exercise calories = w32839793.jpg

    too hilarious!
  • Walking2Lose
    Walking2Lose Posts: 69 Member
    I am on Spark People as well. I started out on SP first. I believe that you can figure out how SP calculates your daily caloric intake. I have read it as I don't always agree with what they tell me. I enjoy both sites and know of a lot of people who have lost lots of weight on it must be working for some.

    Sorry I can't help you...I am just trying to eat in my range and workout.

    Good luck!
  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    :ohwell: wish I knew the answer to this

    There is hope for us all!!!! You have lost 173 pounds without knowing the answer!! I love this!
    Curious how you handle your calories??

    I just try to eat sensible.... sometimes I eat them back, sometimes I am way under...... sometimes I don't exercise and go over...... but I TRY to stay near my 1200 per day.
  • snickerpants
    snickerpants Posts: 44 Member
    No, you're right.

    I don't think there is a "set" number for everyone. I just used the 1500 calorie example because it was easier to do quick math 'n'stuff.