christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I have been told 4 times in the last 2 days that I look great, how could I possibly need to lose more weight? 2 of these people were fitness trainers.... Seriously people??? I know that I am not obese, my BMI tells me that I am no longer overweight, but just barely...4 pound gain would put me there again. I want to be in the middle of the healthy weight range.... people tell me I am in great shape....Sorry, but I cannot run 3 blocks....I am NOT in great shape people!!!!


  • Indygirlien
    Indygirlien Posts: 7 Member
    Let people tell you you look great. Be proud of what you have lost and know that gaining every now and again isnt horrible. Dont give up and keep making yourself look even more great than you already do!
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Oh those nasty nasty liars!. How dare they tell you that you look great!. How dare they suggesting that you are fit!. Have these people no decency at all?:) All we want is a bit of honesty (Oh what a round belly you have. Oh look at those bulging thighs?) and instead we get bombarded with these compliments. What is the world coming too? Just kidding. Maybe folks are just so impressed with what you have accomplished that they want to show/tell that to you. And of course, you can start training and then run not 3 but 6 blocks. That would really stun them. LIfe is good.
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    Sounds like you're being too hard on yourself, like most of us are! You do look GREAT! I am pretty sure those are abs I see! :wink:
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Maybe you aren't where you want to be, but that doesn't mean you don't look great where you are right now. Whether you believe the compliments or not, just say "thank you". As you get closer to your fitness goal, hopefully you'll be able to say "thank you" and really feel great about it. :flowerforyou:
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    I know plenty of overweight people who run faster and longer than me. In my book being in shape and being athletic are different monsters.

    Plus the bmi system is flawed. Accept your transformation, it's not a bad thing. ;)
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    Maybe you do look fine but its what you see in the mirror. Sometimes we see ourselves bigger then we are and also you are looking at the areas that you don't like. People tell me I look fine and if you look at my pic you may think so to, but what I see under the clothes is what matters. Exercise is what I am focusing on more then weight right now.

    I just looked at your pics. My goal is to look more like you!!!! You have more muscle then fat so don't pay attention to what they say your bmi should be.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    BMI is not a very accurate way to tell if you are in shape. If you have alot of muscle mass, it will tell you that you are overweight. Too many people put their faith, and efforts into getting a to a certain point on their scale. If you want to be able to run more, then do it, but make sure you are getting enough nutrition that you don't end up losing that muscle, or you will slow your metabolism to the point that it will be harder, and harder to maintain your bodyfat levels.
  • BobL436
    BobL436 Posts: 43 Member
    It's always nice when you receive compliments like the few you've received. People are noticing your progress, and are taking the time to let you know that they've noticed. Enjoy it and remain vigilant. Keep challenging yourself to get to where YOU want to be! Keep up the good work.
  • Alphastate
    Alphastate Posts: 295 Member
    If you feel great, that should be all that matters. BMI is not a good index to go by anyways. It's based on weight, height and age. I know people who are in ridiculous shape, shorter and low 200's, but their BMI says they are obese. It's the body fat percentage that really tells you. Keep up the good work, trainers can be two-faced, trust me, I am one, I see it everyday!
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    over all we have a very skewed perspective on healthy. You are either too skinny or fat. There is no middle ground. I still have my goal weight but for now my focus is on constantly working out, being able to run hopefully 5k regularly and losing my jiggle.
    People focus on weight not health. Try telling them you are working towards a marathon or some other non scale goal. You'll find more understanding and support. Also remember BMI is notoriously inaccurate so don't focus on that too much either. At this point in my weight loss journey my focus has changed from pounds lost to overall condition. In my book I'm in awful shape but that will change.
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    People tell me I'm looking great too. I have lost a ton of weight, but I'm not nearly at my goal. I think perhaps they're giving you compliments, noticing all the hard work you've done. I don't necessarily think they’re “lying” to you or trying to discourage you from losing the weight you want. Use the “you’re looking great” compliments to motivate you.

    By the way, even a “healthy” looking or slender women/man can be out-of-shape i.e. (can’t run three blocks). Looks can be deceiving, it’s not reserved for those boarding on overweight.
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    Oh those nasty nasty liars!. How dare they tell you that you look great!. How dare they suggesting that you are fit!. Have these people no decency at all?:) All we want is a bit of honesty (Oh what a round belly you have. Oh look at those bulging thighs?) and instead we get bombarded with these compliments. What is the world coming too? Just kidding. Maybe folks are just so impressed with what you have accomplished that they want to show/tell that to you. And of course, you can start training and then run not 3 but 6 blocks. That would really stun them. LIfe is good.

  • Hi they're impressed with how much you've lost- but that doesn't mean you feel like you've done enough!
    I'm really fit on the inside but a big lump on the outside and people can't understand how the hell i'm so fit and can dance for 12 hours straight and not lose weight!
    Its all well with people and trainers telling me how fit I am but I look like crap!
    Keep going your doing a great job! x
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    We all choose our own benchmarks for our individual fitness so try not to be disappointed if others see things differently from how you perceive yourself.

    Truth be told, we Always are harder on ourselves than how others see us.

    I had a client once who was 19% body fat but was miserable because she wasn't yet at 18%. I had to sit her down in front of a mirror and do a peer counselling session based on the fact that although she would reach her goal...that 1% wouldn't make any difference in how she looks so she needed to take a hard look at herself and decide why she was so unhappy with what she saw in the mirror in that moment.

    That being said...BMI isn't an accurate indicator since it doesn't consider body composition. By the same token, someone might have the physique of a greek god...but can they run the Boston Marathon the same? Or can they perform as an elite level in sport competition?

    The individual goals are as numerous as the perceptions from ourselves and others....and there will be times when anothers perception doesn't match up with your own.

    You're on the right path...keep refining your personal goals through the course and you'll do great! :-)

    Hope that helps.
  • kbizzleoo
    kbizzleoo Posts: 114
    I understand. I honestly do the same thing. In fact, I hate when my friends that I haven't seen in a while look at my pictures on facebook and say I look great...I tend to reject the compliment and think to myself "no i look great in that picture because it doesn't show this part of my body, etc."

    but honestly, I have to look at what I've done and how hard I've worked. and I have to accept that I do look GREAT compared to what I was (177) and what I am now (149).

    For me, I think it's just being self-conscious. and I think to myself "if I just can get down to 130 I wont be self-conscious anymore" ...but then I also think that if I don't get a hold of it now and start reversing my thinking patterns then I'll always be self-conscious no matter what. something to think about.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    be proud of what you have accomplished! Also, screw the BMI! If you have a healthy body fat percentage, then you are healthy! I can understand you wanting to be further from the top of your weight range so it is easier to stay within it. That makes sense. But you may consider a body fat analysis to see where to keep working. :-D
    A lot of this is self image. You have worked hard and you should feel great. Think of a list of things you love about yourself and remind yourself of your successes. :-D
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