Someone slap me!



  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I suggest logging all of your calories, no matter how much you eat. Putting it on paper (so to speak) makes me feel more accountable for what I eat. I also have my diary open for my friends to read. I think twice about shoving chips in my face if I know that my MFP buddies will see it. Just a thought on what works for me :)

    agreed! although if you look at my diary, you really wouldn't know i gave two *$^*% about what my friends thought. lol
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    Okay, you asked for four words to recenter yourself. Try mine:

    No sacrifice, no victory!
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    You are obese & if you continue to eat like this, you will always be obese, could become diabetic and die at a very young age leaving your loved ones behind. But....if you are okay with all of this, eat that damn ice cream every night, continue to gorge yourself. If you are not, get off your fat *kitten*, go through your cabinets, fridge and freezer and get rid of that toxic food & replace it with some new favorites!!!! Yogurt w/ granola & blueberries, an orange, egg beaters w/ mushrooms and bacon bits..It's your choice.

    wow! talk about tough love! i'm going to go cry in a corner now.
  • blazrchicdd
    blazrchicdd Posts: 19 Member
    Lie to yourself and repeat after me. "I DON'T WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT" After you've said it about 20 times and you realize how ridiculous that is - take the culprit to the sink and wash it all away.

    Indulgence is okay - but stick to the pint size - makes the getting back up much easier.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    My advice? Take ice cream out of freezer, carry it to the sink. Turn on hot water, Melt it, then pour down the drain. Remember most ice cream is mostly sugar, fat and flavour. Very little in it of redeeming value, except yes I know, taste good.

    Thank you, sir!! I did just that. One of my biggest issues with pitching the Ice cream was I didn't want to put up with my son's meltdown. (A pitiful excuse, I know.) Well, I said 'He'll get over it'. And I told him, "Son, I'll make you an ice creasm cone, and then I'm throwing the rest away!!" I was prepared for battle. Then my son said, "I don't want any ice cream, Mom!" My 6 year old is smarter than me!! So I ran the hot water and melted the half- container that was left. I feel better already, knowing it's not there calling my name. Thanks for the tough words and the motivation AND for the slap!! :tongue:
