Found losing weight really hard after having my Gallbladder

LerocDancerCat Posts: 8
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
In need of some support has anyone else had their gallbladder removed and found it easy too lose weight?
Or anypne found it really hard and found a way to deal with digesting food since any advice?


  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed in December and honestly as far as weight loss goes I have not noticed a difference either way. I am also hypothyroid so losing weight is difficult for me anyway.
  • Getting mine taken out in 1 week, here's hoping there won't be much of a change.
  • knighty
    knighty Posts: 62
    Had mine removed took few months to find a way to loose but if u drink tons of water and low fat diet it helps, also i do no less than 60 mins of cardio a day with max 1200 calories
  • I found I did lose weight and it stayed the same for about 5 years but in the last couple of years it really crept up joined MFP 15 days ago and lost 3lbs working loads too starting to notice my jeans fit better but finding it really hard.
    I decided its time to make a healthy start after I found out a few months ago I've got scar tissue problems now inside which you can get after 6 years if you don't control your diet.
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    I had my gallbladder out last year on May 6th after having my son on April 16th via c-section. Previous to having the surgery I only had ten pounds out of the 40 I gained during my pregnancy to be at what I was before it. I started having really bad attacks 2 weeks after his birth and talked to my OB about it, he sent me for an ultrasound and referred me to a General Surgeon, when i called they told me they couldn't get me in to see the doctor for 8 days and that the surgery probably won't happen for about 12. I made the appointment but the next morning bile started coming up and it wasn't pretty at all. I was staying with my mom at the time for help with my new little one and she freak and called the doctor that took hers out a few years ago. They got me in an hour after we called. He barely toughed my stomach and I screamed and they took my white blood count and it was through the roof, and he hadd me in surgery 2 hours later. After the surgery he told me I was probably 6-12 hours from dying, and that I was very lucky to have had a healthy baby where I had all that infection in me. He also told me since I had 2 major surgeries in 3 weeks my stomach was going to be a mess for awhile- I wasn't allowed to wear jeans for 6 weeks!! But I to found it very hard to lose weight after. I tried about 3 different times last year to lose and I'd lose 10lbs. and then gain it all back plus some. However I haven't had any problems with any specific foods. I know some people do afterward. I finally buckled down in january after hitting my biggest ever and went to the doctor to get a game plan on it. He gave me Phentremine for the first couple of months to kick start my metabolism-alot of people think its a fad diet which if you don't change the way you eat or exercise habits it would be. With me I eat the calories MFP gives me and eat healthy with a cheat day/meal everyweek, I try to exercise 5-6 days a week too. The phentremine helped me lose around 37lbs. But its been almost a month off it and I've been able to lose about 9 lbs. this off it. This is just what happned with me and what I did not say you should do the same. Just someone who's been down the same road.
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    I had mine removed just before Christmas and I have not noticed any type of change in weight loss or gain.
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