

  • vanilla81
    vanilla81 Posts: 37
    I AM IN, please add me too!!! :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I think this is wonderful! I hope you all quit smoking and find your way to better health.

    As some motivation:

    My grandmother, Louise, died on March 31 after a 9 week battle with small cell lung cancer caused by a lifetime of smoking. In December 2010, she went into the hospital with severe back pain, and the doctors found a small mass on her spine. They did a PET scan and found tumors in her lungs, liver, lymph nodes, ribcage, and on her spine. The cancer had metastasized all over her body. After doing a biopsy of the liver mass, it was determined that the cancer originated in her lungs and had spread very quickly throughout her body. The oncologist told us that this cancer is nearly exclusively caused by smoking, and we had caught it far too late. My grandmother decided not to undergo chemotherapy because it would only prolong the misery for her. The next 8 weeks of her life were full of excruciating pain from the bone tumors that morphine couldn't treat. It got progressively worse as the weeks went on, and at the end of 8 weeks, she was 85 lbs, and her skin was yellow because her liver had begun to fail. She didn't know any of her family because she was delusional. The doctors told us that the cancer was releasing chemicals in her body that made her not hungry and delusional. She died at 4:00pm on March 31, 2011. She was a beautiful woman with a horrible addiction that not only took her life, but did so in a very painful and undignified manner.

    It didn't start with her cancer though. For the last 30 years of her life, she could barely walk through the living room without coughing and hacking constantly. The addiction had taken her energy 3 decades before it took her life. It deprived the younger grandchildren of a wonderful grandmother that could travel and enjoy them. My grandfather tried for 40 years to get her to quit, but she just wouldn't do it. In one of her more lucid moments in the hospital one night, she told me she was so sorry to leave me so soon and that she is sorry that she won't ever get to hold my children. She told me that she wished she had listened to her husband 40 years ago and quit when it would've made a difference.


    I hope you will all find the strength to quit. If not for yourself, for those who love you and don't want to see you go through something as horrible as we had to see my beautiful grandmother go through. She was a beautiful wonderful woman who never deserved to lose what smoking took from her.

    No cigarette is worth what it takes from you. Whatever you have to do, find a way to quit and live a healthy life if not for yourself for the ones who love you and need you.
  • Plumpqt
    Plumpqt Posts: 156
    To all of you quitting I have been smoke free for over 3 month now, I have been smoking for a VERY long time and have tried to quit 5-6 times...never lasted long...until I bought an electronic cigarette it really worked for me :) Just thought it may help some of you guys as well