Extreme couponing



  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    So I went to A Full Cup, and then found the military shoppers website with the list of things on sale at the commisary, and found that Kraft bbq sauce is on sale for a dollar! I found a coupon for 50 cents off!

    Such a small triumph, but I'm about to bounce out of my seat with excitement!


    There is going to be a couponing class here in June, and I am SO excited to go now. I already was excited, but now I'm even more excited!
    Seriously, THANK YOU!!

    LOL, you just made my night ... And you are welcome!! :flowerforyou:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Thanks guys, now I know a bit more about couponing. If I ever move to the US, I will have to give it a try :)
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    So I went to A Full Cup, and then found the military shoppers website with the list of things on sale at the commisary, and found that Kraft bbq sauce is on sale for a dollar! I found a coupon for 50 cents off!

    Such a small triumph, but I'm about to bounce out of my seat with excitement!


    There is going to be a couponing class here in June, and I am SO excited to go now. I already was excited, but now I'm even more excited!
    Seriously, THANK YOU!!

    Glad you found imfo to help just watch out couponing can be addictive! (in a good way like mfp lol)
  • SweetLe
    SweetLe Posts: 157 Member
    In some cases they can make money...the more they buy the more they save. Still I wouldn't need 72 bottles of mustard.
    I agree they could donate some things....

    These ladies are my heros! Its amazing what they do!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I'm a couponer, too. Not super extreme like the ones on the show, but we do have a stockpile of items. If we are going to use it anyway, then why not get it free or super cheap? It's nice to be able to use the extra money that you would have used on those items towards other items you want/need or in our case to save for a family vacation.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Has anyone seen this show on TLC?? These people have so much food, toilet paper, laundry soap etc.........really you need 1400 rolls of toilet paper??? I don't see why these people don't help out a local family or the food bank?? These people have stuff that fills their whole house. I can see couponing to last a week but to last 3 yrs, really???
    You are going to need that TP for the zombie apocalypse, although 1400 rolls will weigh you down a bit when you are running for your life.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Are you kidding me. When I give the clerk 1 coupon their eye's roll in their head.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Has anyone seen this show on TLC?? These people have so much food, toilet paper, laundry soap etc.........really you need 1400 rolls of toilet paper??? I don't see why these people don't help out a local family or the food bank?? These people have stuff that fills their whole house. I can see couponing to last a week but to last 3 yrs, really???
    You are going to need that TP for the zombie apocalypse, although 1400 rolls will weigh you down a bit when you are running for your life.

    And don't forget about the 50 bottles of Soda. When the apocalypse happens they will be the only one's running around doing anything because of the sugar,, caffine high!
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    I saved $17 at walgreens the other day. I like when they give register rewards and you have a coupon. I had to do three separate transactions but it was worth the save.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    As long as your using what they are trying to have us buy, Great. But like everyone is saying, most of the stuff you would not normally buy. A lot of people just buy it because they have a coupon.
    I always wait until I get my 30% from Kohl's before I step foot in the store and they are still making money off me, because I go only because I have the coupon. Most of the time I don't even need anything I am just buying because of the coupon.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    Are you kidding me. When I give the clerk 1 coupon their eye's roll in their head.

    :laugh: well, much like dieting and working out when you're just starting out: you need to harden yourself to the critics and figure out how to do things smart for YOU.

    Some stores are much more coupon-friendly than others. Then again, there are the cashiers who act like you are taking the money from THEIR pocket ulgh. The stores get reimbursed, btw, so unless its a STORE promo, its not coming out of THEIR pocket either!
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Oh, i have a perfect example of why clipping coupons (to an extent) is awesome!
    I went to Target on Monday with my coupons and the Walmart add. There they had Toy Story 3 Operation game for 5$. Target had it for 15.99$ so i had them price match down to 5$, i had a 3$ off coupon.
    So i bought 2 games for 2$ each. One is for my kids for xmas this year and the 2nd is gonna be a bday gift for one of the many birthdays we're invited to this summer.
    I only buy things we can use or use all the time.
    Whatever we have extra and we won't use before it expires i give to my friends.
    Toiletries i do not mind stocking up on but never years worth, only a few months as they rotate their sales. Everything goes on sale again every few months
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    you ladies are my hero's right now. seriously!

    hubby called this morning from Afghanistan and I spent 25 minutes talking about how I'm gonna learn to coupon, and the website I found that helps, and the people that I found on this other website(MFP lol) and how they told me where to get started and blah blah blah. He laughed his head off at me and told me the last time I talked that fast was when I called my mom and told her we were getting married. So apparently I AM EXCITED!

    Maybe I need to get a life?

    But seriously, we have 2 kids and we live on just his military pay, which isn't so awesome you know. And a couple weeks ago we were all terrified he (along with the rest of the military) weren't going to be getting paid for a while. It was REALLY scary trying to decide if I should go buy groceries right then, just in case, or wait... or not pay another bill, so we could have that money, just in case... I don't EVER want to be in that position again. If I could get a nice (couple months worth) of non-perishables stock piled-toiletries, cleaning stuff, canned goods, whatever... it would really, truely be a comfort to me as a non-working, stay at home mom.

    So seriously, if ANY of you have any other great tips or suggestions, PLEASE feel free to add me and share share share!
  • MsRose2012
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Great thread! I'm pretty new to couponing and while I don't want to go to the extreme, I would like to be able to stock up on things we use a lot like laundry items and toilet paper for example. Thanks to this thread, I now have a few more websites to go to. Thanks all. You're great! :happy: :flowerforyou: