Frugal living anyone?



  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I'm always up for frugal discussions! One difference I've noticed in groceries is that I'm buying a lot less butter (go figure, huh?), but shopping more frequently so we can stay on top of fresh fruits & vegetables.

    Also, I have more time to plan out frugal things when I'm not working. For instance, last night I didn't have dinner ready when I left for work, so when my husband got home, he & the kids got pizza. Not the worst possible thing, but far from optimal. Since I'm going to be working quite a bit between now & Memorial Day, I really need to get those meals made ahead of time!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I am always looking for ways to save money. My husband is quite the opposite of me. Case in point-he was not happy with a recipe I was trying for dinner, so he threw out the food and we ended up not only wasting the money on the food he threw away, but we then went out for dinner because nothing else was thawed! Drives me mad! So anything I can do to off-set his more wasteful tendencies is great. I love to clip coupons and find sales, and nothing makes me happier than finding items on clearance.
    Fantastic topic!
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    sounds like a great idea! I am always looking to save money and counting the cost of everything I do!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    I'm in!!! especially for grocery store items and dept store stuff. Extreme couponing has cought my eye, but I agree, the cheap stuff is always the "unhealthy" stuff.

    For department stores or really any store you like to shop at frequently you should sign up for their email lists on their websites. Then you will get the sale notifications and coupons emailed to you. At the very least it takes the work out having to search for the sales when you need to buy something. I've also found that pretty much anyplace that has a loyalty program will email you tons of coupons if you register your loyalty account online.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    This is fantastic!

    I'm lucking out this Easter weekend because I'm calling dibs on the leftover ham we are making here at home. Actually, I'm being sent away with the leftover ham, because my mom isn't a huge leftover fan. I'm still doing some shopping this week though because chickens are on sale for $1.44 a pound at the grocery store. It would be good to buy a few and freeze them.

    I'm also picking up broccoli for 88 cents, and grapes for 87 cents a pound. I have to go to the Bulk Barn today and get some stuff as well.

    I found a way to save on my internet connection today as well. It's amazing how if you are willing to do a bit of extra legwork (in anything I guess) you can save so much.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    This is all great! There are some ways I wish MFP were more versatile because we all become so close & helpful on here!

    I have a 2 year old who has out grown his 3 year old cousin so now my sister gets Lenixs extra clothes for Trent (and she makes more money then me ugh!)

    I too buy waaaay too many drug store/hair products so I have made a vow this year to USE everything under my sink by december and only replace what is used daily (ie shampoo, conditioner, soap, mousse) to find styles that use less hair product without looking frizzy (naturally curly hair) my Addiction product is Biosilk and I just found at target a gift pack (that apparently theyve carried forever!) that has a full size shampoo, conditioner, and silk for $25, the 12 oz silk alone in the box costs $42 when purchased seperatly! (So all of you biosilk addicts out there go stock up!) and biosilk is a great frizz smoother, heat protector for styling and adds the benefit of you getting more volume when you style without hair spray! I buy the cheaper mousse because it has more hold at a lower cost (herbal essence is my fav! Holds a well as the $30 for $3) I have enough sunscreen to choak an elephant but I live in AZ now so I encourage the entire fmaily to use it and keep it handy when we have guests over in the pool (i bought it all in CO last year and ofcourse we dont get as many sunny days)

    15 bean soup is a great healthy way to use left over ham, and its amazingly high in fiber & protein for low cals. Fills you up quickly too!

    My parents, sister, and i are all on the same phone plan (we are both single moms but pay our part) which cut my $115 bill down to $60.

    If you live in AZ SERIOUSLY go to Sprouts for fresh fruits & veggies, the same amoutn Iget for $20 at sprouts costs me $40 at safeway!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Also, everyone check with your electical company. Here they reduce the electrical rates from 9 am -2pm then 10p to 4a (almost by half) so whomever is home is doing laundry! lol or we use the timer setting on our laundry!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    -for credit cards you are supposed to be able to call every 6 months and get the interest rate lowered as long as you weren't late on a payment

    I need to try this one.
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    -eat less meat and more vegetables

    -use your leftovers!! (and freeze them if you can't use them soon enough)

    -pre-prepare your own meals and eat at home instead of going out to eat (healthier and cheaper)

    -./...., also consider air/line drying your clothes

    -when doing dishes by hand use a dish pan, don't let the water constantly run down the drain (also reuse the water when you are ready to dump it, you can use it to water plants this tip also works for water from boiling noodles and stuff)

    - consider buying your clothes at the discount stores (around me places like TJ Maxx, Gabriel Brothers, etc) or clearance racks

    -landscaping the yard: grow them from seed yourself...if you have the space, try a garden. (

    -females... Google the Diva Cup and decide for yourself if it's something you'd be willing to try (definitely a money saver though!)

    -mend your clothes rather than replace them... also be creative and cut up and redesign old shirts for a new style

    -turn off every electric thing (and lights) when you don't use it (I've even read to put it all on surge protectors and flip that switch when you aren't using it...if you don't do this at least unplug phone chargers when not in use)

    -use daylight as much as possible instead of lights

    -turn the heat down when you are sleeping or not home (and in the summer you can get a lot by learning the right windows to open and when to close up the house and avoid turning on the a/c)

    -only leave the water running when it's needed (washing hands, brushing teeth, showers... turn on to wet, of and on again to rinse) and for the toilet possibly go with "when it's brown flush it down... yellow let it mellow (unless it's potent)

    Wow, I must be doing okay as I do all the above. I also make my own household cleaners with vinegar, water, baking soda, etc. I also belong to a clothing circle, where the kids clothes are handed between about 6 families on the way down, works for the adults too with the sizes being recycled to those smaller/larger than you are wearing.
  • Lpfeifer419
    Always up for frugal living advice/chat! Add me!
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    Add me in too!! Thanks!
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    I would love to be part of this list. We are already doing what we can on a limited income, so keep bringing on those ideas!

    I'm also really interested in how some of you are making homemade laundry detergent. Please share!
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    Count me in! Not only are my fiance and I trying to eat healty, we're also trying to save up for our wedding. What a great group! :smile:
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    Bump for later!
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    great site to teach how to use what you have and plan a weekly menu on a $70 dollar budget

    lets you know how to make a steal on all sorts of coupons in conjunction with store ads

    I buy coupons for the things I eat often from here.
    (note they are shut down for the easter holiday)

    EBAY! you can buy coupons on ebay!

    also I grow my own veggies in the summer and can them, I make my own jellies and jams.

    also I dont play favorites with brands. I buy the store brands or which ever is cheapest.

    for fun things to do check out the local papers for all sorts of fun FREE weekend activites.

    eat out with coupons in hand!

    Okay just always never pay full price anywhere, everything is negotiable.

    Oh and for more coupons check your local library, often they get leftover sunday papers and have lots of coupons sections left in them, all free!

    really being frugal just needs a little forthought and its really not hard.

    Oh one more thing. You can make almost any cleaning product with baking soda and vinegar. You can also make homemade disposable baby wipes (for the other mommies out there :) just google it.
  • jewels319
    jewels319 Posts: 72 Member
    Depending on where everyone the ny area Perdue Oven Stuffers 59 cents a pound at Pathmark.....big ones 6-8 pounders too! I too penny pinch...hubby gets a kick at how I go to the store and buy $60 worth of stuff but end up paying only 20 after sales and double coupons. When the budget is good....I get my Lean Cuisines....when its tight.....I make my own meals......lucky for me since restarting my goal a week n a half budget for food is still ok....I am waiting for the other shoe to drop though.
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Here is my basic recipe for an all purpose cleaner

    This makes about 2 cups of cleaner.

    1/2 teaspoon baking soda or washing soda
    2 teaspoons borax
    1/2 teaspoon liquid soap or detergent
    2 cups hot water
    Combine all the ingredients and the water into a spray bottle. Shake well. The washing soda or baking soda makes this formula a great grease cutter.

    I also use vinegar and water to clean glass. I've read that if you use vinegar in the rince cycle of your laundry it work like a fabric softener. I'm going to try this. I also hang my clothes out to dry when the weather is warmer.

    We buy a lot of bulk veggies (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, onions, carrots, broccoli etc) when they're on sale. The tomatoes, broccoli and peppers I use what we need now then freeze the rest. They are great for pasta sauces (I have 2 girls and they love their spaghetti) and the peppers and broccoli are good stir-frys. The potatoes, onions and carrots) we keep in the garage where it's cool and they last a very long time.
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    This is a great thread! Very inspirational!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member

    I too buy waaaay too many drug store/hair products so I have made a vow this year to USE everything under my sink by december and only replace what is used daily (ie shampoo, conditioner, soap, mousse) to find styles that use less hair product without looking frizzy (naturally curly hair)

    I *know* this sounds crazy, so all I will say is that I get more compliments on my hair since I started this than ever before in my life.

    We have replaced all of our hairstyling products with conditioner. We only use shampoo a couple of times a month, but we use conditioner almost every day. Turns out, that as long you don't use products like gel and hairspray that stick to your hair, conditioner cleans your hair without stripping away the natural oils. It takes us months to go through a bottle of shampoo now, and I only have a travel sized tube of gel on hand for when I want a really fancy updo. We both have curly/wavy hair, but very different thickness.