What would you do? (kind of depressing thread sorry)



  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    lol i'm so the same way... man it was one thing to have to wash my hair with no hot water... you don't realize how cold the water is without a little warmth lol

    my grandfather had to fix the shower in our bathroom and the shower was out of order for a week... i was going crazy.

    i don't know how to not shower twice a day i'm insane...lol
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    You have experience. You love dogs, enjoy them, you can take care of them, walk them ?

    Why not send out posters, Offer to take care of family dogs.
    For people that go away, on vacations. People that are busy during the work week.
    People can drop off at your place, or if you can travel to walk/feed them at their location.

    Don't think of just your small town. You could send out flyers around in the next town/city.
    People will drive if the price is right.

    Good luck!
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    oo ya dog walking would be good! good exercise too! and hey... maybe your baby will make some friends too
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    You have experience. You love dogs, enjoy them, you can take care of them, walk them ?

    Why not send out posters, Offer to take care of family dogs.
    For people that go away, on vacations. People that are busy during the work week.
    People can drop off at your place, or if you can travel to walk/feed them at their location.

    Don't think of just your small town. You could send out flyers around in the next town/city.
    People will drive if the price is right.

    Good luck!

    that's an awesome idea! to be a dog walker/sitter. And you could be a babysitter for kids, too!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I have been in that position before, I had to support 2 people working part time for a while and it was really hard to do. I know that my utility companies don't shut anything off if you pay something. Also I know it has been mentioned before, but the food bank here is pretty good at helping people out if you bring them a late notice or a notice to disconnect they help with the bill also the thrift store here will help with bills if you are behind. It does seem odd that you don't qualify for food stamps. Have you looked online to see what the income guidelines are where you are?
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Yes I do love dogs.. all animals really. I take good care of them... I walk them as much as I can (Muddle the sick one can't go out more than 10 minutes a time now because of his illness).

    I will think about this but not sure it will work.. because for it to work they'd have to come in the house and the vet told me not to get Muddle excited anymore and he stresses out around other animals he doesn't know and he can have one of his spells. This has prevented me from babysitting in my own home to.. I am doing everything to make his life more comfortable.. he doesn't even act old.. he gets excited way to easy, it's so hard to keep him calm!

    I could see if I could find someone that would allow me to just walk the dog around their neighborhood or care of them in their own house if they trusted me enough.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    is there any way you can get the dogs medicine cheaper online?
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I have been in that position before, I had to support 2 people working part time for a while and it was really hard to do. I know that my utility companies don't shut anything off if you pay something. Also I know it has been mentioned before, but the food bank here is pretty good at helping people out if you bring them a late notice or a notice to disconnect they help with the bill also the thrift store here will help with bills if you are behind. It does seem odd that you don't qualify for food stamps. Have you looked online to see what the income guidelines are where you are?

    We are over the guideline by $5......... somehow...... even though we barely make it... does that make sense?
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    is there any way you can get the dogs medicine cheaper online?

    Not sure, I can check it out but the vet gives it to me pretty cheap anyways I think it was $120 for 3 months. and he has to take them twice a day.. 3 types of pills.. but it doesn't hurt to check it out.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    When I was a teenager, I babysat and I would go to their house. I have a good feeling about this :) If people are leery of an adult babysitter, just tell them that you are down on your luck and assure them that you're a good person who loves kids. There are even websites you can advertise on, that parents will look at to find a qualfied babysitter. Do you have any children? Surely, if you have had any kids, you're qualified!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Post on craigslist your services as a sitter or a dog-walker.
    also check out care.com
    you can find little jobs and stuff like that on there.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Be careful with buying the dog's meds online. There are a few very reputable pet pharmacies online -http://www.drsfostersmith.com/pet-meds/pr/c/9547 is one-but many are not.

    Also, it always makes sense to ask if your vet can write a prescription for a medication that can be filled at a human pharmacy. Sometimes the medication is identical, but the vet has to charge more for it than your regular pharmacist does because they don't sell it in as high a volume. For example, I recently had to get Tramadol for my dog and I could have gotten it filled at Walmart for $4 while the vet charged me a little bit more than that.

    CareCredit is also something to ask your vet about. This is basically a credit account for pet medical expenses. Perhaps that will help to get you through this rough patch.
  • msemejuru
    msemejuru Posts: 229
    My brother needed money to pay his speeding ticket or he was going to be locked up for 10 days because he is a dummy and keeps speeding. He went to a neighborhood and went to each house with his lawn mower asking to mow folks lawns for $20. Took all day but he got the last $200 to stay a free man.

    With meningeal jobs, you just need a couple of takers. I was very poor growing up and I would clean houses as a teen. I would go to homes with my vacuum and ask if I could clean the house using their supplies for cheap. Even if they wouldn't let me clean most folks would let me vacuum or mop for $5. Some days you strike out, others you get 3 jobs. Don't give up, just roll the dice and your luck might change!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I know I have been posting depressing threads lately! I have had it rough this past few weeks.. and you guys have been here with support so I have another question for you. My husband only gets 32 hours right now and I can't find a job, so we are stretched thin on money. We count every penny for food, bills, ect. The max we can pay for water is $50, $60 if we cut down on food for a week.

    This month I got a $95 water bill, because of a leak. We had an adjustment last month because of ANOTHER leak.. we weren't aware we had two until we got a $80 water bill LAST month. We had to borrow the money from my parents to pay that.. but now we are getting a $95 one. My parents can't afford to help us again... they just got property taxes back and have to pay those. As I said above I can't pay that much!

    They won't give me a second adjustment and chances are they MIGHT turn it off if I don't pay the full amount.

    Now I have a little saved back for my dogs pills for the next 3 months. If he doesn't get his pills he might die.. he has an enlarged hearth with an adnormal beat and he has fainting spells 1-2 times a month.

    So I am faced with the impossible choice to pay the water bill and not have it turned off or keeping my dog alive.

    I can't believe the water company can be so cold hearted that they wouldn't work with me in my situation. There is no choice for me. I won't let my baby die. He is like a child to me. I have had him 9 years and I would rather go without water for awhile than risk his death.

    I just can't comprehend how they could even ask me to make this choice.. you can't just poop out money! It's not like we have been behind before.. it's not like we aren't trying!

    I just wanted to rant somewhere... And see what you guys would do in my situation, like I said it's no choice for me. I won't risk my babies life.... and maybe tomorrow when I go talk to them again I can convince them to work with me and pay payments... but tonight I need some encouragement and kind words and advice, this is making me sick and I can't sleep because of it.

    Try the United Way.
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212

    I could see if I could find someone that would allow me to just walk the dog around their neighborhood or care of them in their own house if they trusted me enough.

    I know that most people prefer to let someone in the neighborhood watch their pet in the pet's home when they are out of town, etc. Our neigborhood put's out a list of who will do it. Definitely something to make fliers for and put on everyone's door. It is inifinitly better for the pet to stay in their own home, than to lay on a cement slab somewhere.

    I would also talk more to the vet, personally, not some office lackey! Explain exacty in no terms barred, where you are this month. Will my dog die this month???!!! Put some of the pressure on him/her. Who know's you might be surprised by the answer! Ask him where else you could get some assistance with the meds? Will the Rx company assist, I know they will with humans. Just a lot of paperwork to fill out, but hey so what!

    Another thing to consider is asking all your companies(the ones that bill you monthly) if they can average your bill to a steady avg bill. I did this and my insurance, gas, and power. It helps a lot to not have the spikes, and it came down when I needed it.

    I like the comments about paying something to the water company, that is true. They also have a program for people in need. Don't just talk to the first person that answers the phone, ask to speak to a manager!

    Please don't let one bad experience at one church ruin it for the rest. There are a ton out there! Catholic Charities for one.
    I just googled it:
    About Catholic Charities USA
    Catholic Charities USA is the national office for Catholic Charities agencies and affiliates nationwide. As a professional association and social justice movement, Catholic Charities USA supports local Catholic Charities as they provide help and create hope for over 9 million people each year regardless of religious, social, or economic backgrounds.

    Main Switchboard: (703) 549-1390

    The Mormon's are wonderful too! Just don't stop asking!!!!

    Back to McD's. Do you know how many people quit in high school to go to college?! This is standard practice. Call corporate first and ask them about the policy. Then go talk to a manager at the store. Very probable staff has changed. You sound young, just remember one thing: It never hurst to ask!

    Don't be afraid to be bold in your search for help! If the first level can't help, always ask for a manager!!! And keep asking, and don't forget to ask, if you can't help me, do you know of any organization that can?!

    I'm with you. I love my dog! If it absolutly came down to it, I would give up water. Buy some hand sanitizer( I hate that stuff but I love my dog more). And yes jugs of water. You know you can flush a toilet buy pouring water in, right? But really try all the other stuff first, call, call, call.

    Another thought just came to mind. Ask your vet if you could work it off? You said you are good with animals and love them. Ask him about this???

    I will keep you in my prayers. (I won't list mine, or my families hardships, but know that you are not alone).
    God bless you!
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Thank you for the last replies.. no I don't have children yet.. but I will still look into babysitting.

    I'm not sure about the door to door as we live in a poor neighborhood.. but it's worth a try.

    As for Mcdonalds believe it or not 5 years later the same manager is there that worked when I did.. so he knows I quit and I already talked to him.. and he doesn't seem willing to give me a job.. but they aren't even hiring in the first place.. I just mentioned it because someone said I might be reaching to high and I promise I'm not.

    As for today I got back from the water company.. the adjustment woman was in for once. I explained the leak and she looked at my account. We haven't had a normal water bill since we moved in this place... we just moved in in January (moved into my mom's old place when she bought a house) and last month was a leak for $80... they forced us to pay it like I said and this month for $95. She said she didn' t know what they could do but they would send someone out Monday to check the meter again to see if it slowed down and try to adjust it again if she could.

    She told me I had to pay at least $50 so it wouldn't be turned off, but if I paid that much (and that's the maximum I did have thankfully) they wouldn't turn it off yet. She said to wait until next month and see what happens to see where to go from here... so even though they will know Monday I won't till next month (they won't tell me until they print the next bill grr).. so say prayers the leaks are officially fixed, I get the adjustment and it goes down to normal... but at least for this month we will keep it turned out... one month at a time I guess.
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212
    Well that's some good news. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. I know everyone is praying for you, or keeping you in their thoughts.

    So sorry about McD's. Please don't take any suggestions negatively, I'm just brainstorming here. Like Pooh Bear: "Think, Think, Think".

    Don't stop the momentum, continue to see where else you can get help to get your head above water, and making progress!

    Good job for going back time and time again, until you got the right answers with the water company!

    p.s. and good job with your weight loss! ;-)
  • JJtexasgirl
    JJtexasgirl Posts: 106 Member
    Now that you have a bit of a reprieve, you need to plan for the worst case scenario. You also need to find a way to pay the balance owed on your current bill. Just because you dodged this bullet doesn't mean its going to disappear! Start putting tiny bits of money aside now - even $2 a day.

    As heartless as it sounds, it may be time to think about slowing down on your dog's medicines. If they are the thing that is keeping you from living with the basic necessities like water, it may be time to make other arrangements. Your vet or the local shelter may be able to help you find someone to foster the dog until you're back on your feet financially.

    One last thing - keep applying for government aid. Its a difficult process on purpose. Long story short, but when my son was born, we applied for Supplemental Security Income 9 times before they finally approved our application. The information on it hadn't changed, but they kept setting up hoops for us to jump through. It was a pain in the *kitten*, but totally worth it in the long run.

    Good luck to you, hon!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    One last thing - keep applying for government aid. Its a difficult process on purpose. Long story short, but when my son was born, we applied for Supplemental Security Income 9 times before they finally approved our application. The information on it hadn't changed, but they kept setting up hoops for us to jump through. It was a pain in the *kitten*, but totally worth it in the long run.

    Good luck to you, hon!
    I'm also believe you can ask more than once.
    Little off topic, but our transit system here. Union, hard to get into. A friend of mine just told me he got a job there. I asked you must know someone to have gotten hired. His response Nope. I just kept applying.

    They told him that they had a separate file on HIM because he applied so much, and they finally accepted him because he was persistent.
  • MistressV
    MistressV Posts: 8 Member
    Weekends coming up..Could you have a Garage/Yard sale? Consignment shop? Pawn shop?

    Cheaper pet meds online sound like a good idea too. Are there any cheaper human alternates that your Pet Doc might suggest? Are there other less expensive vets you could price the medicine from?Call around. They might give you a deal if they want your business.

    Pray and hang in there. Ask and you shall receive. Thats what my Grandma used to say ;)
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