walking at work

hi i'm on my feet walking around alot at work, can i count the steps and add these to my exercise chart???


  • grandmanita
    grandmanita Posts: 59 Member
  • distant_dreamer
    fab thanx xx
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    only If you set your initial daily activity thing to sedentary. If you set it to anything other than that I wouldnt count those steps you do at work, only the ones you do specifically for exercise. Most people over estimate calories burned and underestimate calories consumed.

    Better to be giving yourself a little cushion than eating it extra!
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    You'll need to make sure you take into account your settings on MFP. If you selected "sedetary" then yes, count your steps. But when you set it up, if you put in that you were "active" or whatever, MFP is already counting that activitiy into your calories and what not for the day.
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member

    have you accounted for this work/walking in your daily life style?

    and I would assume the walking you do at work is not as brisk so you may well find you can only count 200 odd kcals but every little helps
  • distant_dreamer
    thanx for all replies, prob shouldnt count em as set my profile as active!!! ahh well, i can walk to work to earn extra brownie points ;0)
  • Enchantica
    Enchantica Posts: 117
    Adding a walk to work as exercise sounds like the perfect plan. Good on you! Enjoy!