To eat or not to eat..........that is the question!?

Ok, so i'm going to start the 30 day shred tomorrow and my plan is to do it every morning as soon as i get up (if i dont then i will probably find an excuse not to do it!). I'm kind of pushed for time in the mornings due to work so i was thinking of doing it as soon as i wake, then having a shower and having breakfast. My only worry is that i will be doing it without eating anything first?

I will obviously have some water but it would be ideal if i could eat after my workout instead of before. If i eat before it i'm concerned that i will have to wait a while before i can exercise - so i don;t feel like i'll be sick! Any advice would be fabby! Thank you xxx


  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    I never eat before a workout b/c it makes me nauseous during. If you feel the need to eat a little something before, try a handful of almonds or something but make it light.

    If you’re eating a healthy diet and getting enough calories to support your activity level, you can probably rely on your own appetite, energy levels, and experience to tell you whether you need to eat anything before or after exercise and what it should be. The basic rule here is: Find out what works best for you, and do that.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I workout every morning before breakfast, I do not have time to eat and exercise before work. I've never had a problem, just makes me extra ready for breakfast!:tongue:
  • ahanson6
    ahanson6 Posts: 102
    That is pretty much my schedule exactly. I workout immediately after I wake up, before breakfast, because I don't think I could get through my workout with a full stomach of food. I think you should do whatever works for you, but 30 Day Shred can be kind of rough in the beginning. I would workout before breakfast at least for the first day (so that you can get a feel for it and what your stomach can handle).
  • Live4HerSmile
    I don't think you need to be concerned about eating beforehand. Try it, see how it goes. You could always have a protein bar/shake before if you feel like you need it.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Workout before you eat.
    It'll tap into the fat quicker that way.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Fruit - an apple takes about 30 minutes to digest. Carbs are good for before a cardio workout - it will give you the energy you need. It's probably good to have a little something but you can try with or without and see how it makes you feel. Some people can do it, some can't. (your digestive system shuts down while your body handles the stress of exercise). Carbs and protein are good for after the workout. Even a little protein before the workout will help the protein you take in after.
  • jamiek89
    jamiek89 Posts: 105
    Everyones so different for this one!
    Personally, I dont eat before I exercise im the morning because it makes me feel sick. ii have some water, sweat my butt off, then have a shower before I have breakfast. This works absolutly fine for me.
    Maybe just try not eating beforehand OR maybe have something really small like half an apple or a piece of toast or something & just see what works for you.
    Good luck!
  • llovegrove
    llovegrove Posts: 94 Member
    how did it go? I started Ripped in 30 yesterday. I do mine in the evening though, I try really hard to wake up early adn work out but I cant get myself out of bed! lol I really wish I could, what do you do to get yourself up earlier. I would have to get up at 445 am if I did that. Kinda early. :)
  • Hollie721
    Hollie721 Posts: 20
    Thank you so much everyone, think i will give it a bash tomorrow on an empty stomach and see how i go. I have also read about it burning more fat so fingers crossed! I tried the 30 day shred once before but only got to day 12 so i'm trying to get into more of a routine to help me get into it!

    @ilovegrove - i dont need to leave my house till 8.30am so i can get up around 7am and still have lots of time to get organised. 4.45 sounds brutal! I am also an early bedder, love my sleep!