Reteaching yourself not to eat everything on your plate

irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
How do you do it? I'm not sure why I have it programmed in my mind, but I have that mindset. I am fine when I eat at home - since I just give myself smaller portions - so I can eat everything and it's fine since I'm eating far less than what I used to. HOWEVER, when we go out to eat, I cannot get past the mindset of leaving it. If there's something like a basket of buns, I can leave them alone...however, if there's something in front of me - a salad, fries or whatever, and it's on my plate, I have a really hard time just leaving it on my plate when I'm full. I know this is really one of the only obstacles I face when it comes to success...any tricks? I've heard of getting your "to go" box in advance (done this, and then I end up picking at the food inside the box!!)...any other ideas? I really, really could use advise here. And for those who have been in my shoes, how did you overcome it, learn from it, etc, etc.

I am seriously jealous of those who leave food on their plates when they get full. I know it's a learned behavior (something I learned from my parents)...and I want to teach my 3 kids in their growing years that leaving food on their plate is ok - don't want them to deal with this some day. I just need the tools it takes so that I can be a good role model to them.

Thanks in advance!!


  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    I struggle with this as well. I take my fork and cut the plate of food in half--literally. Then I only eat the half that I started eating off of. Then at least I get to see a partially cleaned plate. Maybe that would help you?
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I have a really hard time doing this when I'm out, too. I give myself permission to "splurge" by subbing in a healthier option. For instance, at a burger joint like Red Robin, I'll get my burger protein style (wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun) so I can cut out the extra 200+ calories of the bun (or you could take one bun off). At a Mexican food restaurant I'll ask them to hold the rice and I'll eat the chips and salsa without so much guilt. Any way you look at it, going out is going to pack on more calories, so I also try to jump on my elliptical or do a quick workout video if I know in advance that I'm going out.
  • missbrandyp
    missbrandyp Posts: 34 Member
    When you get to a point you think you should stop then throw your napkin on your plate and cover the food. You're less likely to eat it and the server will clear your plate quickly. It's the only way I can stop myself from munching on a plate all night.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Order your dinner with a To-Go box, and as soon as it arrives, put half of it in the box. Then you get to enjoy it twice -- once at the restaurant and then again at home the next night.
  • Stitchfan
    Stitchfan Posts: 14
    If you are out, ask the serving staff to take away the bread rolls and bring you a small plate or bowl. Put the excess food in the bowl and send it back.
    Ask if they do a junior or light portion too.

    Food dosen't cost any more because its in the bin but if you eat it it costs you calories.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    back in the day my mother would put her cigarette in the food she did not eat so the restaurant wouldn't reuse it ( ok this was in the 60's) but same concept- douse it with pepper- put a piece of ice on it- do something to make it unpalatable- if you are taking it home-could someone- or you go put it in the car while you finish your meal?? dont know- if I dont finish- hubby eats it. Also if not taking it home call the waiter over and ask them to take the plate and bread away. just some thoughts
  • syates83
    syates83 Posts: 87
    What about sharing an entree with someone. Me and my sister do this when we go out. It helps!

    But I like what Heidi said too, drawing a line down the middle of your place and only eating half. Some places have ridiculously large portions.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    There is a good book called 100 Days to Weight Loss by Linda Spangle. It gives you more tips about leaving the food on the plate and as stated before, ask for a to go box at the beginning of the meal. Also, your food will NEVER get to those starving kids in Africa.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    I have this problem too. So far my strategy has been to avoid going out to eat unless it's a special occasion or something. Like you said, when I'm at home I can control the portion size, plate size, and ingredients so I know exactly what I'm getting. If I go out then I lose all control and I wind up overeating. For now I am treating restaurant food as a cheat meal but that can't be a permanent fix.

    What about asking for a side plate (the small ones) and putting the amount of food you want to eat on that? It might trick your mind into thinking you've cleared the plate. The problem then is what do you do with the rest of the food? I too will nibble from a to-go box if it's there lol. In the beginning maybe there is no other option than to destroy the leftovers lol. (pour some sort of liquid or sauce on the part you don't want to eat so it's ruined). Ideally the best option would be to ask for a lunch portion or split a meal with a friend...but that's not always possible.

    Will be interested to read what the others say...even though I know it comes down to basic self discipline...
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Don't eat out.

    Or only eat out on days that you consider your "splurge" time and there is an understanding that you will indulge.

    Restaraunt food leaves a lot to be desired in calories and overall nutrition. From what I've seen the sodium is always through the roof when you eat out.
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    If it is really yummy, try thinking about how happy you will be eating the leftovers for lunch the next day (or dinner that night if it was lunch time). I love eating good leftovers from a restaraunt. Eat slow so you are not finished with that half before your seat partner is. Drink water, put your fork down between bites.

    If you don't think that is possible, try sharing a plate. If no one wants to share a plate with you, order something you know will be a more appropriate portion. Like just soup and salad. Or just an appetizer. Though most appetizers are pretty fattening.

    Some restaurants have tiny desserts in a shot glass. Eat a salad for dinner and treat yourself with a small dessert.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    back in the day my mother would put her cigarette in the food she did not eat so the restaurant wouldn't reuse it ( ok this was in the 60's) but same concept- douse it with pepper- put a piece of ice on it- do something to make it unpalatable- if you are taking it home-could someone- or you go put it in the car while you finish your meal?? dont know- if I dont finish- hubby eats it. Also if not taking it home call the waiter over and ask them to take the plate and bread away. just some thoughts

    You know what? This might work!! LOL...never thought of doing this before (not the cigarette part since I am a non-smoker, - but that made me LOL) cube or napkin over it - I will try these ideas.

    And ordering it protein style is a great idea - another I have never thought of doing. Thanks so much!
  • xrahelx
    xrahelx Posts: 11 Member
    I do the same thing! Now I either give half of my food to my hubby, or I order just sides. Ex a salad with chicken and a small appetizer. It seems like when you have more types of foods though in smaller amounts your brain thinks you are eating a lot when you aren't. Yay for tappas :) I just make sure I log my calories before I eat my meal so I know how many calories I can eat.I love the myfitness pal app for my phone! Its a life saver.
  • I would clean your plate by getting a to-go box and setting it AWAY from you.... maybe CLOSED under that bread basket you're so good at avoiding. :wink: And refocus on the reason you go out to eat. Is it because this is your only chance to get any nurishment and you better eat as much you can so you don't starve later? Or is it because you have family and friends whom you love and want to spend time with and talk with? ... and it's a lot less polite to talk with food in your mouth. Look at the people you're eating with instead of your plate. Think about their lives and laugh at their funny stories and sympathize with their hard times, instead of thinking about the french fry left on your plate. When we're trying to lose weight, we have to think about our food choices... but once you've made the choice (like to put half in a to-go box or whatever), MOVE ON. The food choice has been made and now it's time to focus on more important things in life. I know you have people and things in your life you'd rather give your attention to than that french fry.
  • btmixon
    btmixon Posts: 55 Member
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    Don't eat out.

    Or only eat out on days that you consider your "splurge" time and there is an understanding that you will indulge.

    Restaraunt food leaves a lot to be desired in calories and overall nutrition. From what I've seen the sodium is always through the roof when you eat out.

    I only eat out 1 time every couple of weeks, so it's pretty rare. But I hate living with the guilt of endulging later on. I did work out yesterday - burned over 1300 calories so I wouldn't feel the guilt - yet I still had it. I think it's just the fact that I can't get past this obstacle of leaving food behind. Not even the fact that I ate the calories - just the fact that I cannot seem to do it. :frown: Like I said, I think it's truely the last thing I need to beat in order to know I will hit success and then stay there.
  • kristanickerson
    kristanickerson Posts: 72 Member
    yeah i can't do this either...I generally clean my plate. My trick is more along the lines of don't let it on the plate to begin with. I also have a very supportive boyfriend and if I'm feeling weak i can ask him to dish out my food for me and have instructed him how much is resonable way before meal time. At home I've decided a dinner plate is too big anyway i eat off the smaller plate and when i go to a restaurant i will ask for a specific portion of one or 2 cups of rice or pasta depending on the dish. I usually don't limit my veggies and lean meat too much.

    this is what i try to practice MOST of the time but when it comes to a big dinner that i love sometimes i still go for it.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Well there are several approaches you could take. I was raised to clean my plate as well, but simply remind myself that as far as I know, the meal I’m eating will not be my last. I will have steak, or pasta, or whatever it is I’m eating, again. I can stop when I am full, or when I have eaten a full portion. I do not have to go beyond that. And doing so benefits no one. I will not get a sticker. I will only increase my fat stores. Chosoing to stop eating means I am taking care if myself. and I deserve to be taken care of.

    Option one:
    One would be to stop setting yourself up for failure while you’re still learning a new skill: portion control. If going to a restaurant sabotages your ability to control portions, consider not going to restaurants for a while. It’s not forever, it’s just until you have made a secure connection in your mind between being satiated and feeling to compulsion to stuff.

    Option two:
    Ask your server for an extra small plate (salad plate, bread plate, etc.). Portion out what you need, pack the remainder. As your server to hold the leftovers in the kitchen and bring them out with the check. Sounds fussy, but it’s okay to be a little fussy sometimes. If it makes you feel bad, then tip well.

    Option three:
    Share the entree with one of your other diners. If it’s dished up on both of your plates, there are no leftovers and nothing extra to worry about finishing off.

    As for the bread basket:
    Again, I recommend getting fussy. Ask the server to bring ONE piece if bread per person and no more. Or, skip it. It’s usually high sodium white bread with pretty empty calories. Sip some water while you wait for your first course or entree and tell the server to keep that bread in the kitchen. Especially if you are going someplace that serves mini loaves, better to skip than to have the compulsion to eat it (and whatever oil or butter is served with it).
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    I would clean your plate by getting a to-go box and setting it AWAY from you.... maybe CLOSED under that bread basket you're so good at avoiding. :wink: And refocus on the reason you go out to eat. Is it because this is your only chance to get any nurishment and you better eat as much you can so you don't starve later? Or is it because you have family and friends whom you love and want to spend time with and talk with? ... and it's a lot less polite to talk with food in your mouth. Look at the people you're eating with instead of your plate. Think about their lives and laugh at their funny stories and sympathize with their hard times, instead of thinking about the french fry left on your plate. When we're trying to lose weight, we have to think about our food choices... but once you've made the choice (like to put half in a to-go box or whatever), MOVE ON. The food choice has been made and now it's time to focus on more important things in life. I know you have people and things in your life you'd rather give your attention to than that french fry.

    So true!!! That's where I become an amazing multitasker. I can totally focus and eat at the same time - LMAO!!! :laugh:
    On a serious note - very true and maybe this will be one of the things I should think in my head as I go out to eat again. Thanks!! :bigsmile:
  • Gennawest
    Gennawest Posts: 171
    How do you do it? I'm not sure why I have it programmed in my mind, but I have that mindset. I am fine when I eat at home - since I just give myself smaller portions - so I can eat everything and it's fine since I'm eating far less than what I used to. HOWEVER, when we go out to eat, I cannot get past the mindset of leaving it. If there's something like a basket of buns, I can leave them alone...however, if there's something in front of me - a salad, fries or whatever, and it's on my plate, I have a really hard time just leaving it on my plate when I'm full. I know this is really one of the only obstacles I face when it comes to success...any tricks? I've heard of getting your "to go" box in advance (done this, and then I end up picking at the food inside the box!!)...any other ideas? I really, really could use advise here. And for those who have been in my shoes, how did you overcome it, learn from it, etc, etc.

    I am seriously jealous of those who leave food on their plates when they get full. I know it's a learned behavior (something I learned from my parents)...and I want to teach my 3 kids in their growing years that leaving food on their plate is ok - don't want them to deal with this some day. I just need the tools it takes so that I can be a good role model to them.

    Thanks in advance!!
    love it when you said I end up picking at the food inside of the box. Thank you for your honesty. I do the same exact thing. What I do, and this may only work for me because I am a germ freak, I will eat half of my food, then I will stack another plate on top of my food, or a bowl, or whatever is on the table. And I always throw my napkin on top of my food. In my head, I now see the food as contaminated and I will not touch it. I know someone that will get a straw full of water and dump it on her left over food as well, that way she will not touch it. Maybe these tips will work for you?