Who hates cardio? I DO! I DO!



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Why do you HAVE to do cardio?

    To lose weight.

  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    I burned 946 calories after cleaning my house for 3hours the other day. Maybe try that, gardening, playing with kids or your dog. That gets your heart rate up.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    Have you tried swimming? I hate that sweaty panty feeling too but when you're in the water its a different feeling. But I think I'm part fish, so it may just be me...
  • gymshoe42
    gymshoe42 Posts: 97 Member
    I've always hated cardio in the gym ... like running on the treadmill...so boring.
    Now I do 90 minutes of cardio twice a week and about 15-20 mins of cardio on days I lift.
    I figured a way to make it not boring for me.

    First I grabbed a jump rope and started doing 10 mins of jump roping ..1 min on, 1 min rest.
    Surprisingly, my HRM made the stationary bike much more interesting ...I do a heart rate hill so it keeps changing on me automatically. For the treadmill, I do intervals ... walk , sprint, walk, sprint. Keeps it interesting. Elliptical I do after lifting, it's the least strenuous in my opinion. I also swim once a week.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    You sound like me. I don't hate it as much anymore. I started it because I had to, but now I just put some music on and am watching my time get better. It's been about the only progress in my weight loss for the past three weeks, so I've started to hate it less! Thing is, too, there are so many fun cardio/running events out there, but I want to actually be good enough to survive them without embarassing myself, so I also have a goal.

    Another thing that has been important for me in not hating cardio is doing it in private with no one watching so I didn't feel self conscious about just how horrible I am at it. Quickest way to decrease the hate factor for me.
  • AnaVerasGettingFit
    AnaVerasGettingFit Posts: 109 Member
    HATe HATEHATE it! Try joining a bball or soccer league. At least you an enjoy the competition and have fun.
  • Amandasmfp2011
    I wasn't a fan of cardio as I would get easily bored, however my gym now has Technogym equipment that you can play games on a touch screen and now I actually look forward to going! I can easily do an hour now whilst playing backgammon or mahjong,it's made a huge difference to me. :-)
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    Try swimming, rollerskating, rollerblading, or ice skating, also join a sports team it might make it more fun.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Why do you HAVE to do cardio?

    To lose weight.


    It just increases the amount of food you can eat. You can easily lose with a calorie deficit and strength training to maintain muscle.
  • ArwenP
    ArwenP Posts: 53 Member
    I think it's a matter of finding something you like to do that just also happens to be good for cardio too. I like belly dancing (at a dance studio, not a gym, there is a difference) and I focus on the part of it that's beautiful and sexy and fun. It's a fabulous ab workout, but also good for cardio (I've lost 5 inches off my waist since Sept!). It's easier for the uncoordinated than a lot of aerobics classes too, because there's not a lot of fancy footwork. The cadio comes more from moving your body and your arms than from jumping around everywhere. When you are moving your feet, it's usually walking in a straight line or doing a simple turn. I expect the advanced students have more intricate routines, but there's no pressure to move up until you're ready.
  • frumpytofit
    Why do you HAVE to do cardio?

    To lose weight.


    It just increases the amount of food you can eat. You can easily lose with a calorie deficit and strength training to maintain muscle.

    Just picked up a copy of "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" from the library. The author claims aerobics is overrated for fat loss and sides with the intensity is more important than duration crowd when it comes to cardio.

    Lots of good ideas coming from this thread...
  • frumpytofit
    I wasn't a fan of cardio as I would get easily bored, however my gym now has Technogym equipment that you can play games on a touch screen and now I actually look forward to going! I can easily do an hour now whilst playing backgammon or mahjong,it's made a huge difference to me. :-)

    That sounds awesome!

    I do office work for a living and I find most cube drones like myself dread the cardio machines at the gym. I think it is a confinement issue-after sitting in place all day, the last thing you want to do sit/stand stationed on a machine.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I don't like doing most cardio either. But I do like walking (outside, not on a treadmill). I don't have a car, so I bike and walk pretty much everywhere and I get a lot of incidental exercise that way. I also take 60 minute walks about 3 times a week. That's all I do and it really doesn't seem like exercise because it is my time to clear my head and get some fresh air.

    So, if you don't like cardio, don't do it. For weight loss purposes, what matters is taking in fewer calories than you are burning. So, cardio can allow you to eat more, but you don't NEED it. (Obviously there are other benefits to cardio, but I'm assuming you're talking about losing fat at the moment.)
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I recommend trying rock climbing. It gets your heart rate up, but it's nothing like traditional cardio. IT'S SO FUN.
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    I"m not a fat of the machines either. I am trying to find a nice cardio class I like at the gym but it's hard. Just like spinning everyone says I should try spinning..>I just don't see how it's fun!!!!!!!! LOL
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    it grows on you.

    Like a fungus?
  • twentytwobecky
    twentytwobecky Posts: 35 Member
    I hate cardio too. What works for me is competition. I do a boot camp class M,W,F and yea, we say it's okay if somebody can't keep up, but most of us in the class get tired, want to stop, then we look at everybody else still going, and just suck it up and do it!
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm opposite, weights kick my @ss and I hate them...passionately, BUT, I love the definition I'm getting :)
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I have a Weider weight machine that I picked up relatively cheap, less than $180 I think. I use it to do a circuit training work out that's more cardio intensive than regular lifting but also includes the strength training aspect. My husband has me do as many reps of each exercise as possible, rest for 15 seconds, and repeat twice. Jillian Michaels 30DS is the other way I snuck in a bit of cardio. All of this was before I discovered Zumba, so now I'm a cardio freak.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    I wouldnt say i hate it but it is so very boring and right now i am feeling pretty burnt out of running, elliptical, bike and stair master. Im going to try to make some classes at my gym to shake things up a bit. I still havent tried Zumba!