Lean Cuisines=)

My favorite Lean Cuisines are the Fiesta Grilled and the Enchilada Suiza.
Which ones are your favorites??? Do you guys think, its healthy to eat Lean Cuisines 5 days a week? I've been eating them for lunch a lot, but I seem to get hungrier and I crave for sweets later after I eat my lean cuisines... I wonder why this is?? And I don't know why I haven't lost any weight:sad: :cry: Well, I'm new to myfitnesspal. Hopefully this works out for me:smile:


  • getsexymarylou
    getsexymarylou Posts: 39 Member
    My favorite Lean Cuisines are the Fiesta Grilled and the Enchilada Suiza.
    Which ones are your favorites??? Do you guys think, its healthy to eat Lean Cuisines 5 days a week? I've been eating them for lunch a lot, but I seem to get hungrier and I crave for sweets later after I eat my lean cuisines... I wonder why this is?? And I don't know why I haven't lost any weight:sad: :cry: Well, I'm new to myfitnesspal. Hopefully this works out for me:smile:
  • Zeii
    Zeii Posts: 89 Member
    They have a crapload of sodium so I have to stay away from them. Have you thought about doing salads or fresh fruits, veggies, etc? Much better for you!
  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    I used to eat them all the time, but then I started noticing the sodium wasn't working for my body so I eat them probably once or twice a month cause they aren't going to kill you. Now I eat the green giant veggies with a lean meat. They have less sodium and are tasty too!
  • tlyoung
    tlyoung Posts: 16
    I am also relying on the frozen diet foods I find them to be a good guage of proper portion size. I hope to be able to eat foods I cook soon. I really like Weight Watchers Ziti.
  • tanzmamma
    tanzmamma Posts: 368 Member
    I agree with everyone else on the sodium.

    When I first started to change my habits, I relied on Lean Cuisines & Smart One Meals alll the time.

    But then I found that I could get MORE to eat (portion wise) by just creating my own recipes. Plus, I have issues with swelling.... and I noticed that got MUCH WORSE when I was eating those frozen pre-packaged foods.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Wow, I haven't noticed a sodium problem when I eat them... they still fit into my daily sodium allowance, and by the end of the day, I have tons of sodium left over that I haven't eaten.

    I eat Smart Ones and Lean Cuisines every day for lunch. My favorite right now is Lean Cuisine Tortilla Crusted Fish. The side item is cheesy rice. I love their Sante Fe Rice & Beans-- wait, that is a Smart Ones. I love the Roasted Veggie Pizza from LC, and the Parmesan Fish too.

    Because I burn off the calories from lunch every day with my workout, I usually add a 100 calorie pack or a banana as an afternoon snack.

    Have you looked at keeping Hershey's kisses for those chocolate attacks? They are small portions, and one or two might do the trick while staying low on the calorie counts! Or maybe you can add fruit for those sugar cravings? I try to eat bananas, strawberries, grapes or watermelon when I am craving sugary treats.

    EDIT: Be sure to drink all your water. LOL I know that helps me flush that sodium I do take in.