HOW to decrease body fat?!



  • liagarden
    liagarden Posts: 54
    Not "bad." Just the bigger the fish (higher up the food chain) the more toxins accumulate. One reason people think eating meat increases risk of cancer.
    It is a fact that high levels of mercury are found in tuna, also swordfish, etc. i had a brochure around here somewhere showing the safest fish to eat. But, if you start thinking about that, you start thinking about over-fishing, endangered fish, "farm-raised" vs. wild, etc. I drive myself crazy.
    Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. (Michael Pollan--many excellent books) More info later.

    Do you like canned salmon? I do. I clean it up (skin and bones), little mayo, wine or balsamic vineger, capers, chopped onion. Yum! It's easy to poach a chunk of fresh wild salmon--or even pan-fry (sautee)---with a little lemon pepper, and eat it for 2 or 3 days with a few romaine leaves. Quick lunch.
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