Switching it up without losing motivation?

Sigra Posts: 374 Member
Sorry to rant, I'm a little frustrated!

I'm on my 25th day (yay, happy 25th!) - The only problem is I've pretty much lost 0 weight (SW: 196.8, and I fluctuate between 194-196, CW: 195.8) - Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I'm not feeling it. I really don't want to see that runner go back down to 1 or 0!

Even though I'm eating healthy(my diary is open to the public, and YES I record every single thing that goes into my mouth! :) ) I'm not losing anything - It's basically the same as if I went back to eating out 10x a day. Even though I probably eat out 1x every 2 weeks, and now watch my portions.

Last September I tried to lose weight, and did so successfully, lost 12lbs in 1month - so I know I'm doing something wrong because I was also doing it healthy the time before.

I think it has a little to do with the Boot Camp I joined. We do a TON of strength, and only 1-2min of Cardio. Last time I lost weight I did 2hrs Cardio 4x a week.

So Anyway - Enough of my Rant. I need to start switching it up without losing the motivation that I currently have(even if I'm not losing weight). But I'm not sure how to do it. - I'll certainly be incorporating more cardio into my life and hopefully I can find some decent meals on line that I can start changing up my meal routine.

Thanks for all your support so far when I'm feeling down and blown out like an old tire!


  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I peeked at your diary a bit. My suggestions would be to try eating a little more (definitely eat back all of your exercise calories) -- you should NET no less than 1,200 calories per day....and also watch the sodium. Sodium holds water weight.
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I think the first thing most people are going to ask you is, have you taken your measurements? You could be losing inches!
  • Lwoodslim
    Lwoodslim Posts: 31 Member
    Hi there!

    I have to say that you need to constantly change your workouts. Have you heard of muscle memory? After months of doing the same exercise your body will grow accustomed to the work out, and you will no longer be working as hard/burning as many calories/ or building toning muscle.

    I think it is important to combine both strength and cardio into your routine. Maybe boot camp some days and cardio on the other days? I like DVDs for their convience but know this doesn't work for everyone. I switch DVDs with friends or randomly buy a new one every few months.

    Keep your head up and keep trying. Motivation will come when you love your workouts! Find exercise you find fun!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Starting is the hardest. To me, starting a weight loss is like reversing a freight train. It still goes forward while it's slowing down, then it slowly goes in the other direction until it starts gaining momentum. But early results are what I need for motivation. You just have to stick with it. And heck, if you don't want to track a higher weight, then don't. Leave your ticker where it is and only track weight lost. Also, I weigh every day so I can get a better idea of what my normal fluctuations are, since I'm constantly going up and down. And when it's my TOM, I can really pack on the pounds with water retention. Good luck and keep at it!

    p.s. And I agree you should be checking measurements, too!
  • Barrettmomof3
    Barrettmomof3 Posts: 140 Member
    Yes its hard not to see the weight come off. But you are probably losing inches and gaining muscle. Keep up the good work and it will pay off!!!