Flat abs anyone?

I want flat abs!! who doesnt right?? I do insanity 6 days a week and run every other day..inches/weight is coming off..but not the muffin top!!! i am gaining muscle and i see a difference in the ab area...HOWEVER....the muffin top is still there. I think the main reason is the food i eat. I eat whatever i want, but i limit myself and stay in my calorie intake, do you think its time to change the eating habits and eat healthy and not just what i want?

Any of you made some changes and noticed the awesome abs? Do share!!


  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    If you keep losing inches, then youll eventually lose the muffin top. It helps to do ab workouts as well.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I think you know the answer to your own question. You can eat under your goal and still eat crap all day that has no nutritional value. You are still poisoning your body.

    You also need to continue your cardio, maybe mix it up a bit.
  • mrskooting
    cardio is the key.....
  • michis05
    michis05 Posts: 99 Member
    I guess i gotta be patient, right? Honestly i dont know how to eat "right" ill do research for sure...thanks yall!
  • Bexster88
    Bexster88 Posts: 35
    I was reading on a fitness website the other day that boosting your fiber intake will help you lose body fat.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Eat clean.

    It's genetics and bodyfat percentage for the most part.
    Unless you get to 12 percent or under, you won't see abs.
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I have the same problem. Cut your added sugars and your starchy carbs. Try to get your carbs in the form of fruits and veggies instead of breads and grains. It has helped me.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I guess i gotta be patient, right? Honestly i dont know how to eat "right" ill do research for sure...thanks yall!

    I am at this same point. I will send you the link to my thread where I got a lot of great feedback. *Once my boss isn't wandering around...LOL*
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Follow the Insanity nutrition guide. Your healthy eating is the MAIN key to getting the body you want. You can do Insanity forever but if you still eat the same crap you will not look the way you want. I think you already know what you have to do.