Do you encounter these types??



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    When he's dying prematurely because he eats garbage, I'm sure he'll be on his deathbed wishing he had eaten better so that he's not on his deathbed...
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    The other side of the coin is you get the people who eat super healthy and clean,and all you hear from them is how much longer they will live than you blah blah blah
    I have heard crap from the people who eat nothing but crap and those that eat super healthy (im somewhere in between)
  • Yep, like many others already stated, it's guilt. No, you didn't inflict guilt on him, he did it to himself, but then had to try and justify himself so that he could pass the guilt to you. Hence, when your dying...

    He has a point, who wants to go through life missing out on enjoyable foods? but he missed the boat, it's not about missing out, it's about enjoying in moderation, self control, and being in charge of the foods, not the foods in charge.

    This was a good rant, one many of us feel, and not just over foods. In my opinion, this same philosophy can be applied to many things. In our own way, I think many of us have "learned" from society, to find ways to justify what we want instead of going with what we know. For some of us, that's why we are here, to undo the damage done, and to break free from guilt and or justifying our wrong decisions.
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 315 Member
    You should have pointed out that if he keeps eating that way, he'll probably be on his deathbed a lot sooner than you will.

    My thoughts exactly!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    If he is referring to giving up EVERYTHING 100% of the time then yes, I agree with him.

    However, walking around with extra weight, lack of confidence and lack of energy from poor nutrition and lack of exercise may keep you alive to 80 just like living well but it's not a very enjoyable 80 years.

    Its give and take and that was a very stupid person you were speaking with, don't take it to heart.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I work with a lot of haters. I eat right (most of the time), work out 7 days a week and drink plenty of water. I either get that i am vain and thats why i do this or they tell me that they are already fat and theres nothing changing it. I invite them to join me when I walk up the flights (10 flights) of stairs to get to our floor and they usually tell me that i am trying to kill them. i feel like responding with, "no, you are killing yourself."

    yesterday, i gave into them and had a burger and fries for lunch. i felt guilty because i let them win. today i am having a healthy lunch. I am no longer going to let them hurt my feelings for living a healthy lifestyle.

    It's amazing how the second you start doing something healthy, someone has to put you down. A few years back I went from 181 to 151.5 (I only remember that because I never could break that 30 pound mark!), and I still had another 10 or 15 pounds to lose. I was definitely much thinner than I was when I started but didn't have a rockin' body or anything since I hadn't exercised to lose weight. Anyhow, my sister-in-law saw me for the first time after my weight loss and was like, "Don't start looking like Nicole Ritchie, ok?" (At the time Nicole Ritchie was scary-skinny.) I couldn't believe what a backhanded comment it was, especially since I wasn't even close to being super skinny or anything, nor would the additional 10-15 pound weight loss have made me that way. At my height 160 is the bottom of the overweight category, so I wasn't that far into the normal weight category...

    But yeah, haters keep hatin' to make themselves feel better, whether it be about weight loss, academic or professional success, family, etc. You just gotta keep your head up and keep on keepin' on :happy:
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Geesh...what a good way for him to deflect his bad eating habits by trying to make it sound like you "aren't living".

    One of the reasons TO eat healthy is to really this guy is just living with a guilty conscience and it's easier to poke at you than at himself.

    Just ignore it...yours and only your opinion is what matters! :flowerforyou:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Some people believe just b/c they are skinny or don't gain weight easily they can eat whatever junk they wanna eat.
    Which is not true!
    Food is fuel but we made it into more. Treating your body well will be good in the long wrong b/c you get to live a longer and healthier life. Wait until you're 60 and still doing everything you want and he'll be fragile and not able to do much b/c of his health.

    Ignorance is not bliss

    Ugh, I used to work with this lady who was super skinny, but she smoked like a chimney, tanned at the tanning salon until she was orange, ate garbage (fast food every day for lunch), and drank two, yes, TWO 64-oz containers of regular Pepsi every day (she had a big cup that she would refill each morning at 7-11 and then refill again at lunch). She would go on and on about how much she could eat and never gain weight, and she wore the tiniest little miniskirts she could find (mind you, this was a 60-year-old woman who should know that at any age microskirts are not professional attire). I'd rather be 300 pounds than be or look like her. Skinny does not necessarily equal healthy, and I wish people would stop pushing that on people who aren't skinny!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    i haven't had anyone pull that stuff on me yet - no social life, no coworkers, supportive family. . .

    but if anyone ever does try to say something about the way i choose to eat, i'll say what i say when people tell me how to rear my son: "Hey! i don't give YOU *kitten* for your life choices. what gives you the right to give ME *kitten* for mine?
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    The other side of the coin is you get the people who eat super healthy and clean,and all you hear from them is how much longer they will live than you blah blah blah
    I have heard crap from the people who eat nothing but crap and those that eat super healthy (im somewhere in between)

    ^This! Since I am pretty 'middle of the road' in terms of food (yes i love eating quinoa and broccoli, but I also love fried chicken and waffles and bourbon) I really take care not to lecture people about food or play the food police.

    Since I've been trying to improve my habits, however, I have noticed that some people are just really defensive around me. I find it extremely disheartening b/c I am not saying anything or giving looks or making tsk-tsk sounds - NOTHING - just minding my own business and living my life.

    :explode: The thing that makes my brain want to explode is that people love pointing out those news features to me where someone who lived a super healthy lifestyle died at a young age from cancer anyways, or got into a freak accident. I find it idiotic that anyone would want to pick a silent fight w/ me like that.

    Can I promise you that you will feel better and that your health will improve if you eat a little more healthily and move around a bit more? No I can't promise you anything, but I can promise you that nothing will improve if you don't get off your azz and TRY!!! :mad: :explode: :noway: :laugh:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't understand people. I really don't. I've been through similar experiences with people that I work with. It isn't AS bad now that I've hit my goal weight and loosened up on what I eat some, but when I was very strict with myself I had a ton of issues with people. They would be "nice" and buy me a candy bar knowing full well I didn't eat candy bars. Or they would offer me cake, pop, etc knowing I didn't eat that stuff. Then when I would politely decline - they would make snide comments "One candy bar won't KILL you!" about it.

    At first, it really bothered me. But, I quickly stopped letting it get to me. If they want to fill their bodies with junk - let them. I know that *I* am doing the right thing for me and my body. To heck with them!

    BTW, on my deathbed - food probably won't be on my mind.
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    He'll be dead a lot sooner than you. I would rather be around for my family for an additional 20 to 30 years! Plus, he was probably envious or jealous that he doesn't have the wilpower, strength and common sense it takes to eat well and take care of yourself!
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    Without meaning to, you made him feel guilty... so he felt the need to justify his poor choices. Just be proud you are making good choices... and maybe some of that will rub of on people like that.

    Speaking of healthy habits rubbing off on people - recently a "supposed friend" criticized me because I watch my sodium along with calories & carbs and everything else. She said that NOW she couldn't enjoy her salty snacks and sweet desserts, because I harp too much about sodium, etc....??? I've NEVER harped to her or any other people about their food intake - but whatever.......
    Well..... just yesterday I heard that she joined our local fitness center to lose some weight. HMMMMM!!
    I really would like to "needle" her about my supposedly making her feel guilty enough to do something about her weight - but I'm not gonna...... I'm just glad she's doing something!!!
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I'm sorry you had to endure that mess. You made the right choice, GOOD FOR YOU!! Some people are just negative by nature and don't even realize it. I hope that you don't have to have dinner with him again any time soon. :)
  • heathhumble
    heathhumble Posts: 178
    Just wait until his Cardiologist informs him he needs a heart Catheterization with stent insertion.He will then change the way he eats and thinks about food!!!.:laugh:
  • You are living life by making better choices for yourself to live longer!
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