Ima brand new and gonna loose some weight

shorenlife Posts: 1
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everybody, I'm Dawn...
I have just started working out again, and its been long overdue let me tell you!!
I will be on here daily updating my progresss... i simply started out with walking brisk around the neighborhood, x-box kinect biggest looser and zumba. I already feel better and this is my second day!

Soooo, Hi:bigsmile:


  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Welcome Dawn!!!! Good luck on your journey:))
  • cbaines74
    cbaines74 Posts: 77
    Congrats on deciding to do this! You will do great!:smile:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Welcome Welcome ... glad you can join us.

  • zumba_gal
    zumba_gal Posts: 63 Member
    im a week and a half into this add me and we can keep each other motivated!
  • MisMolly
    MisMolly Posts: 88 Member
    I do the same things: Wii Biggest Loser n Zumba! Great mind think alike!
  • guidnca
    guidnca Posts: 64
    Welcome. Hope you find the support you need as you start this journey. Feel free to friend me.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    Welcome Welcome ... glad you can join us.


    that is SO cute!!!
  • mustangurl
    mustangurl Posts: 104 Member
    MY SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!! glad you decided to join ;) this is going to be fun!!!!
  • WELCOME! Feel free to add me and we can keep us both motivated. Good luck!
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