Losing 20lbs by June 21st anyone up for the challange?



  • psychohope
    @psychohope CAN I STILL EAT PEANUT BETTER???

    well i will be :) will only be cutting out sweets, chocolate and crisps we still need the odd treat :)
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    be careful... seems a little unhealthy to me!

    I did the math and it's about 2lbs a week. Recomended goal is 1lbs a week. I know most people will be loosing more then 1lb a week..if you don't like it then don't join simple as that
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    FYI I will be deleting this post at 12 midnight tonight your time zones...
  • PinkSparklyBarefeet
    I need a motivational kick-in-the-pants to keep my fingers out of the cookie jar...I'm in!
    But I don't understand...if you're deleting this at midnight, how to record our weigh ins? Ugh. I'm such a dork. :(
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    I need a motivational kick-in-the-pants to keep my fingers out of the cookie jar...I'm in!
    But I don't understand...if you're deleting this at midnight, how to record our weigh ins? Ugh. I'm such a dork. :(

    Your not a dork!! Don't put yourself down..I will be creating a new post for each weigh in so be on the look out for " June21st- 20lbs loss Challange First weigh in/ Entry"
  • PinkSparklyBarefeet
    Thanks, mate...I *should* be able to handle that!! LOL Let's git 'er done!!
  • suehaskins
    I am in:happy:
  • suehaskins
    You go girl...
  • sabbj17
    sabbj17 Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to try, count me in.
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    This challange will not be accepting any new member's as of 4/25/2011 sorry
    Thank you all for that have joined and let this journey begin!!!
  • VanessaFaulkner
    I'm in...not sure hoe this works...pretty new...about 3wks. HELP.....is anyone out there?!
  • LadyBiker2011
  • nudqt
    nudqt Posts: 98
    I am in!!!! Thanks for the motivation!!
  • misskate719
    I'm DEFINITLY in!!!
  • Sabochan
    Sabochan Posts: 37 Member
    Totally in! I doubt I'll lose that much by June, but I'm hoping it'll be close!
  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87
    me me me me!!!! I just registered for the Zumba Convention in July and I would LOVE to be 20 lbs lighter before then!!!!! :wink:

    What/where is the Zumba convention??? I LOVE Zumba!!

    I'm an Instructor in the Mid Ga Area. It's a yearly get together for all ZIN (Zumba Instructor's Network) members where we go get other trainings and workshops! I'm sooooo excited! It's a 4 day event in Orlando this year with Beto and all the big players. Pitbull will even be there for a live concert! I'm a mother of two so I don't get very much "girl time". Gonna be a blast but lots of work too!!

    OMG!!! That would be so much fun!! I love watching the infommercials with Beto! I wish we had something like that in PA. I'm still trying to find a class that's as challenging as what I see on TV. I hope you have loads of fun!!
  • robinmurphy71
    Count me in!! :)
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    I'm up for this! I need a challenge group to get me up and moving!
  • NcrediblyFocused
    Hello Everyone !!!
    My starting weight is 176.6
  • patti626
    patti626 Posts: 31 Member
    hi everyone...starting weight is 165