Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle---Highly Recommended



  • davidroth
    davidroth Posts: 11
    Just as an update to this, I've been following Tom's program for about 5 weeks and have lost 20 pounds so far. I actually wasn't measuring body fat for the first 2 weeks, but have been doing it for the last few. In that time, I've lost 3% body fat with a slight increase in lean body weight.

    Can't say enough about the program. The thing I like about his approach is that he does not deal in absolutes or dogma. I used to think that I needed to do HIIT in order to lose bodyfat, but according to Tom, HIIT isn't even necessarily unless you want to mix things up OR you need extremely time efficient workouts. Also his thoughts on cheat meals and carb cycling have helped manage times when I feel like eating a little more.

    I still have about 25 more pounds to go, but I feel like I've established some great habits so far and my diet is now not even something that seems all that tough.
  • patssarah
    patssarah Posts: 146 Member
  • boobear00
    boobear00 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for the info. Gives me so reading and research to do. Looks like some book buying is in my future!
  • raksha
    raksha Posts: 30
  • christylynn622
    christylynn622 Posts: 43 Member
    awesome post!