Refocus 4/25/11



  • katnotfat
    katnotfat Posts: 58 Member
    Heeeeckkkkkk yes I'm joining this!!!!
    My friend's wedding is now 26 days away and I'm starting to get discouraged. I know that with my body pump class I was gaining muscle... but out of like 2 months of consistant exercise and not eating.... badly, mostly staying under goals-- which was way better than before I started exercise/diet... didn't lose any any weight.

    Work out goals:

    Monday- Elliptical 30-45 minutes, free weight training
    Tuesday- 15 min warm up on tredmill, Body Pump class
    Wednesday- Zumba class, possible free weights after
    Thursday- 15 min Tredmill warm up, Body Pump class
    Friday- Elliptical 30-45 minutes, free weights

    Diet goals:
    Try and eat more during the day, not have a ton of calories left over for dinner
    cut out rice/pasta
    drink more water- I don't know why that is so hard for me!
    eat more meals of protein/ veggies
    stay just under my calorie goal, but try to eat back my exercise calories
    Weekends- eat like it's a weekday!!!!!!
  • voom1396
    voom1396 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for posting this. My goals are:

    Stay close to my net calories without going over.
    Exercise 6 days a week
    Drink all of my water
    Don't eat every piece of candy I see
    Stay committed over the weekends.
  • patssarah
    patssarah Posts: 146 Member
    I completed ALL my goals for today!!!!
    It is so exciting to actually be doing all the things I used to *want* to do.
    I can remember before MFP, I would make up all these lists of the type of workout routine I WANTED to do, and NEVER actually stuck to any of them or even made it passed one day.
    Now I keep a fitness calendar in my kitchen so I can keep track everyday what I do, and when my rest days are! And it feels so good to actually HAVE A WORKOUT routine! A real one.. not just a made up one that I wish I was doing!!
    I love it!!!

    Hope everyone else had a successful day!!

    My goals for tomorrow are the same as today:

    Run (or walk or jog) 1 mile
    elliptical 20-30mins
    30day shred
    a few reps with my husband on his home gym thing.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Ok most of my goals met today -- water, logging, and making good choices!
    Worst run ever today... forgot my inhaler and had serious spasm... however I did burn 850 calories!
  • eringle
    eringle Posts: 12
    Yesterday was a great day, I stayed under my calories and rode 18.5 miles on my bike. I ate back a portion of the calories, but not all. I also decided that I would alternate a glass of water with diet soda, since I love the diet soda. I want to drink more water, so this is a good way to do it and have it both ways. I use a different cup for each, so when I go to refill, I just change cups and then I remember to drink the water. Yes, it sounds stupid, but Im so used to just pouring the soda...

    thanks for the topic, this is great.
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    Stay under calorie count each day. CHECK
    Drink 64 ounces of water at least per day. GETTING THERE TODAY
    Get 5 serving of fruits and veggies each day. TUESDAY-4 :(
    On Thursday when i go out to dinner, pick a healthy choice.
    On Saturday at my friends Birthday party, stick to 2 glasses of wine.

    Hit the gym Monday and Friday. MONDAY CHECK
    If it is NOT RAINING at all on Tue, Wed, Thur I WILL go on a 30 min walk at lunch. RAINING TUESDAY
    Unfortunately I work Tue and Wed from 8am-11pm so i highly doubt ill get in any cardio.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Yall have listed some EXCELLENT goals and I'm glad to see that lots of yall met them. It's Wednesday which is the half way point of the work-week and I hope yall are staying strong through the week!

    Here's my update:
    Exercise- still SO SORE from moving. I ran yesterday but am taking another lifting rest day. Hopefully, tomorrow morning I'll be feeling better. I lost a toe nail from my half so my run yesterday was quite uncomfortable. Still a good burn and I found a nice 3.2 mile loop around the new neighborhood. Tomorrow I'm going to run either by work or at home after work for sure! I love two-a-day-thursdays! I posted my May P90X/Running Hybrid work out and I cant wait to start it on 5/16/2011!!!!!

    Food- I finally moved my pantry to the new house yesterday so I have food! I packed a yummy lunch/dinner for today and will be at my net calories. I have done great all week even though its been tough to plan my meals ahead of time with everything in boxes. Things are getting back to normal so it'll get easier. I have been a bit low on protein this week and I WILL focus to get closer to 100 g each day.

    Weight- 153.8 lbs yesterday AND today...amazing... watch out 140's!!! All this physical activity and my unintentional calorie cycling has really broken me out of this plateau. Hopefully I can record an actual loss this week with something less than 153.0 lbs even (my lowest on april 1st). I cant find my measuring tape but i'm excited to since i feel abs looked SO AWESOME yesterday and I'll need to post a more updated 2 pack is an almost 4 pack now...i'd love to have the full 6 by summer. Instead of getting a new swim suit for hitting 150 i'm going to get new sports bra tops to run in!

    Have a fabulous week...i'm so proud of all of you. I'll check in tomorrow too since i have internet now :-D
  • eringle
    eringle Posts: 12
    Tuesday another winner. No exercise but I needed a day off. Was under my calories and kept to my alternate diet soda /water plan. Heres to a great rest of the week!
  • voom1396
    voom1396 Posts: 21 Member
    Okay, I've been off to a horrible start this week. Today I'm giving it my all. I have eaten pretty well, so far. The true test will be when I have the after-work munchies. I will stay strong!!! I'm also about half-way through my water already, so that's a good thing, too. I was planning on running tonight, but the wind may be way too strong. If that is the case, I'm going to do a 60 minute Firm DVD. Yes, I know it's old school, but it really works for me :)
  • katnotfat
    katnotfat Posts: 58 Member
    Hey yall! I've done well this week so far! But, I didn't do free weights on Monday. I think that I may just stick to the free weights during my Body Pump class and just do cardio Monday and Friday, Zumba on Wednesdays. Soooo, here's my check in

    Work out goals:

    Monday- Elliptical 30-45 minutes, free weight training---- DID 30 MIN ON ELLIPTICAL, NO FREE WEIGHTS
    Wednesday- Zumba class, possible free weights after--- HAVE MY WORK OUT CLOTHES IN MY CAR!
    Thursday- 15 min Tredmill warm up, Body Pump class
    Friday- Elliptical 30-45 minutes, free weights

    Diet goals:
    Try and eat more during the day, not have a ton of calories left over for dinner--WORKING ON IT, ATE A HEALTHY SIZE LUNCH TODAY.
    drink more water- I don't know why that is so hard for me!--- ODDLY, GOT A SMALLER WATER BOTTLE AND DRINK WAY MORE WATER? HAD ONE OF THOSE 'HOLDS 8 GLASSES' JUGS... AND IT'S HARD TO LUG AROUND
    eat more meals of protein/ veggies-- MONDAY NIGHT, HAD A TURKEY SANDWHICH, PICKLE AND APPLE SAUCE BY SELF,
    stay just under my calorie goal, but try to eat back my exercise calories-- UNDER MY CALS BOTH DAYS... MONDAY HAD WAY TOO MUCH SODIUM... DARN CHICKEN AND RICE SOUP!
    Weekends- eat like it's a weekday!!!!!! ---HAVEN'T GOTTEN HERE YET.... YIKES!
  • patssarah
    patssarah Posts: 146 Member
    Yall have listed some EXCELLENT goals and I'm glad to see that lots of yall met them. It's Wednesday which is the half way point of the work-week and I hope yall are staying strong through the week!

    Here's my update:
    Exercise- still SO SORE from moving. I ran yesterday but am taking another lifting rest day. Hopefully, tomorrow morning I'll be feeling better. I lost a toe nail from my half so my run yesterday was quite uncomfortable. Still a good burn and I found a nice 3.2 mile loop around the new neighborhood. Tomorrow I'm going to run either by work or at home after work for sure! I love two-a-day-thursdays! I posted my May P90X/Running Hybrid work out and I cant wait to start it on 5/16/2011!!!!!

    Food- I finally moved my pantry to the new house yesterday so I have food! I packed a yummy lunch/dinner for today and will be at my net calories. I have done great all week even though its been tough to plan my meals ahead of time with everything in boxes. Things are getting back to normal so it'll get easier. I have been a bit low on protein this week and I WILL focus to get closer to 100 g each day.

    Weight- 153.8 lbs yesterday AND today...amazing... watch out 140's!!! All this physical activity and my unintentional calorie cycling has really broken me out of this plateau. Hopefully I can record an actual loss this week with something less than 153.0 lbs even (my lowest on april 1st). I cant find my measuring tape but i'm excited to since i feel abs looked SO AWESOME yesterday and I'll need to post a more updated 2 pack is an almost 4 pack now...i'd love to have the full 6 by summer. Instead of getting a new swim suit for hitting 150 i'm going to get new sports bra tops to run in!

    Have a fabulous week...i'm so proud of all of you. I'll check in tomorrow too since i have internet now :-D

    What type of ab workouts are you doing? Just cardio?? I am desperate to get my tummy toned! Im thinking I need to increase my cardio.
    Any advice?
    Oh and I am totally looking forward to the day when I can run in nothing but a sportsbra!! (and shorts of course :tongue: )

    as far as my Weekly goals I decided to change it up a bit (Im allowed to do that right?:tongue: )
    I am upping my cardio, and cutting out Jillian Michaels 30day shred. I get so sick of her, but I am still doing strength training and my own versions of lots of her moves, and lots of squats cause Im desperate to get a cute butt.

    So Far I have completed all my goals + an extra bonus most days, except I cut Jillian out of my life today.

    New Goals:
    *run/walk/jog 2miles 5days a week
    *elliptical 20-30mins 5 days a week
    *strength/circuit/squats 3-4 days a week
    *continue calorie cycling with 2 (1600-1800)days, and the rest netting between 1200-1400
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member

    What type of ab workouts are you doing? Just cardio?? I am desperate to get my tummy toned! Im thinking I need to increase my cardio.
    Any advice?
    Oh and I am totally looking forward to the day when I can run in nothing but a sportsbra!! (and shorts of course :tongue: )

    I use the P90X Ab Ripper X video 3 times a week in addition to lifting 2x (upper and lower body using the P90X routines just at my gym), running 3-4 times, and yoga once. I also eat very clean and feel that diet is 80% (if not more) of getting your abs to show. Cardio will help with losing the fat but diet helps more! Lifting is very important also since it makes you stronger and your body continues to burn calories well after the exercise. Yoga really helps to keep me feeling lean all really i feel all the things I do serve an important role in my overall physique.

    When i started this journey at 184 lbs...I SWORE I'd never get below 160 lbs let alone be seen in public in just a sports bra and shorts. Like literally, NEVER thought it was feasible. But with hard work and focused determination you CAN do it! It does take time, but you'll get there!

    Great job with your goals! I've never done these JM videos but everyone seams to have this love/hate relationship. lol

    Hows the calorie cycling going for you? I'm liking it so far!

    Lastly, are you wearing properly fitting running shoes? i had to ask!
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    Stay under calorie count each day: 3/4 days
    Drink 64 ounces of water at least per day:2/4 days
    Get 5 serving of fruits and veggies each day. Trying...
    On Thursday when i go out to dinner (SUSHI) just choose 3 half rolls (only have one that has anything fried)
    On Saturday at my friends Birthday party, stick to 2 glasses of wine.

    Hit the gym Monday and Friday. MONDAY CHECK
    If it is NOT RAINING at all on Tue, Wed, Thur I WILL go on a 30 min walk at lunch. RAINING TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY
    Unfortunately I work Tue and Wed from 8am-11pm so i highly doubt ill get in any cardio.
  • patssarah
    patssarah Posts: 146 Member

    I use the P90X Ab Ripper X video 3 times a week in addition to lifting 2x (upper and lower body using the P90X routines just at my gym), running 3-4 times, and yoga once. I also eat very clean and feel that diet is 80% (if not more) of getting your abs to show. Cardio will help with losing the fat but diet helps more! Lifting is very important also since it makes you stronger and your body continues to burn calories well after the exercise. Yoga really helps to keep me feeling lean all really i feel all the things I do serve an important role in my overall physique.

    When i started this journey at 184 lbs...I SWORE I'd never get below 160 lbs let alone be seen in public in just a sports bra and shorts. Like literally, NEVER thought it was feasible. But with hard work and focused determination you CAN do it! It does take time, but you'll get there!

    Great job with your goals! I've never done these JM videos but everyone seams to have this love/hate relationship. lol

    Hows the calorie cycling going for you? I'm liking it so far!

    Lastly, are you wearing properly fitting running shoes? i had to ask!

    My husband has P90x and I could not hang with Tony.. I did fall in love with the ab ripper x and memorized all my fav ab moves and I use them a couple times a week. but Its hard for me to see my results. I feel like I am eating better/cleaner. Trying to minimize the amount of processed foods I eat. Im not a Veggie lover, but I love fresh fruit, and I eat organic yogurt, whole grain bread, oatmeal (usually Kashi) lean meat, cheese, and low sodium/sugar peanut butter. This is a huge improvement over what I used to eat.. the processed lunch meat is bad.. and I am trying to find an alternative.

    Today was my High day and with all this extra Easter candy laying around the house I ate all my extra calories today in chocolate! :( uggg.. put me in a horrible mood, and I felt so guilty. But other than that, I like the calorie cycling!

    I have no clue about my shoes! haha! I havent had any problems with them.. they are these adidas crosstraining shoes (Kanadia is the style name I think) I LOVE how they look and fit, and I guess they are comfy when I run/walk/jog. I have never been a runner, so I dont know whats good.. but Im thinking that as long as they arent hurting my feet Im okay.

    My sister is in the Army and runs ALOT, she loves her Nike Shocks and refuses to run in anything else, one time she was home visiting and she borrowed mine cause she forgot hers and she liked them.. (or atleast she liked how they looked and didnt seem to have a problem with them)

    Oh and Jillian Michaels, in my opinion is a much "easier" than the P90x crap.. shes only 20 mins and I saw major results,lost inches all over but I just get really sick of her after a week or 2 and need a break.. So far I have completed a total of 19 days. I will go back to her soon I am sure.. You should give it a try! of course if your a P90x'er Im sure her workout would feel like a joke to you!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    We are just about a week out from the are yall doing?

    I've kept myself very active this weekend and have minimized the crap-eating (since i've been so busy). My planned work outs are all screwed up because of sod delivery miscomunication BUT i burned a ton of calories laying it so i'm good. i will do my 8 mile run tomorrow and yoga x at home (since the comcast guy is messing with my 11 am yoga class that i've been trying to attend since february arg!) I will start lifting on monday regardless of how sore i must go on and lifting will make me hot.

    I'm hoping to log a loss and get new sports bras because I want to update my picture with my even more cut abs. I also need to get my body fat measured at the gym since im certain ive dropped some more % points!

    Happy Saturday, Yall!
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