My Own BeachBody Rant



  • RochelleBlack
    I've bought P90, and P90x.
    I've had no unwanted sales pitch from any BB coaches.

    I only saw/heard about these BB coaches going "wild" since Shakeology was created.
    Before that I don't believe it was a problem.

    Hahahahahahaha, maybe we could make a video! Beachbody Coaches gone WiLd!!!!! hahahahaha, I love it!
  • RochelleBlack
    I think people get more upset with the way certain coaches conduct themselves than with Beachbody itself, and even though I'm a coach myself, I don't blame them. I've had new coaches message me to try to sell me stuff or get me to "join their team," not realizing I already am a coach. I love the BB workouts. They have helped me get back in shape and stay that way. About Shakeology, I don't have anything against it, but it personally isn't worth the money to me. I used it for a while, quite a while actually, but I can't justify the expense, even with the discount.

    Being completely honest, the business doesn't work the way I was led to believe it would when I signed on, so what's a person to do? What I do is use the parts that work for me and steer clear of the ones that don't. I never try to talk people into buying from me or ask them to get involved in the business. I'll help anyone I can. I know some stuff, but I'm by no means an expert, and I think that's part of the issue. "Coach" implies a certain level of knowledge or training, and there is absolutely no requirement to know anything to be a coach. Some coaches are amazingly well versed, and some, well, not so much. I'm disappointed that the training emphasis seems to be on how to grow your business, not how to help people. The idea is that all the tools are on the site, and I think it was a well-intentioned idea. Some things just work better in theory than they do in practice. That said, I think there is a whole lot of good stuff connected to Beachbody. I don't mean to be all negative. I wouldn't be involved if I didn't think there was value to it. I'm just saying I can totally see both sides.

    I also agree with you! I wasn't "tricked" into it by any means but of course it was presented to me in the best light possible. And I have the same thing happen to me with other Coaches pursuing me but I have actually made some great friends that way who I can talk to about the programs and whatever else they are doing. And I also agree that there seems to be a lot of emphasis put on the business end and not enough put on the coaching end. I'm not a salesperson and I never will be. But I do like to talk :blushing:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I'm in the UK and have no idea bout BB or anything associated with it. However, if you are receiving emails from someone who isn't a normal poster solely to promote a brand then please let the mods know.

    I don't see any fitness programme as being a problem on MFP....different things work for different individuals. I can't wait to finish my degree and get stuck into fitness again. I wish you all the best luck in the world.

    Don't take it personally, like everything in this'll find debate!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    I've bought P90, and P90x.
    I've had no unwanted sales pitch from any BB coaches.

    I only saw/heard about these BB coaches going "wild" since Shakeology was created.
    Before that I don't believe it was a problem.

    Hahahahahahaha, maybe we could make a video! Beachbody Coaches gone WiLd!!!!! hahahahaha, I love it!
    Now THAT could be fun!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Honestly, what I don't get is why people get so upset over stuff like this. If you don't like a topic, then don't go into it (for example I never go into the "flirting" or "cheating - in theory" threads, to me they are juvenille and insulting). If you do and you find dissenting opinions, oh well. They are just opinions. Read them or don't - move on. If you feel crappy because someone doesn't agree with you, then I hate to say it but you have more issues than just weight. Although labeled "friends" on here, they're basically strangers and if you let a stranger affect how you feel then its a problem.

    If someone is trying to sell you something, tell them once to leave you alone. If they are on your "friend" list, take them off if you are really bothered by it. If they continue to bother you, report them to MFP, simple as that.

    As for BB products - they work for some, for others they don't. We're all individuals and different strokes for different folks. People cringe when I say I eat most of my calories after 6pm because otherwise I graze/binge in the evenings. They tell me I can't do that, I won't lose weight. Well guess what, I've lost over 250lbs with diet & exercise AND eating 2-3 snacks after 6 pm as well as dinner between 8-9pm. It works for me. Would I have lost quicker or a little more? Maybe, but who cares? I did what I needed to do to be successful. Same goes for anyone who loves BB/Shakeology... whatever it takes is my motto.
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    CommittohealthCHANGED Posts: 436 Member
    I am a beachbody coach but have never pushed their products. I am a coach only for the discount on the product. I have never had problem with beachbody for not selling any products. It has been time when my status said inactive beacause I did not but any thing, but know body ever pressure me into selling the products. I love their products and live by their products but never try to sell any of their products. I have had great weight loss success with BEACHBODY products. I work out to Insanity, Rev Abs, Chalean extreme, Brizal butt lift, Power 90 and getting ready to order P90x and Insanity asylum.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I agree. The foundation of any and all businesses is to make money. Welcome to capitalism in the free world. We should be thankful that we have the freedom to be in this market, and the freedom to argue about it, and voice our opinions about what we like and don't like. At least BB is trying to help people in the process of making their big bucks. At least they're not selling crappy products that are fraudulent. And as I said in that other thread today, it sucks that those few bad "coaches" are ruining it for everyone else.
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    Every company will have good and bad employees. I asked a question about BB on the boards and got 3 messages from coaches. I honestly thought I would have receives more. One told me to buy P90X after I specifically said it wasn't what I wanted. The second one took almost a week to get back to me on a question I asked. The third one was really helpful and answered my questions even after I informed them I had to buy from the main website so I could do payments. Some coaches are actually in it to help people. :)