
tracyklamo Posts: 31
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello All,
I am by no means a runner but have recently started doing a walk/jog interval on the treadmill as part of my cardio. I really want to build up my stamina to be able to run more so does anyone have any suggestions on how to become a full fledge runner? Right now I can do a minute and a half jog (probably more if I pushed myself) but I dont feel that I am strong enough to do more than that without stopping.

Any suggestions?

Thanks much!


  • pakky
    pakky Posts: 17
    hi, same here. After stop working out for 8 months. I've just back started my jogging for 2 days and I found myself tired after just 5 minutes run. I want to be tougher as well and I think the body doesn't get used to it now. Mostly I walk :P
  • It just takes a lot of persistence and effort.
    I started jogging reeeeeally slow, and went as long as I could, then walked the rest of the 20 mins.
    Then, the next day, I added two minutes to that time on that speed, regardless of how I felt (it sucked, but I did it), until I got my time to 20 mins. Then I increased my speed by .1mph every second day.

    Good luck!
  • beckystephens
    beckystephens Posts: 117 Member
    Lower your speed. When i first started i set small goals in mind - when i want to stop i look at something in the not too far distance and think to myself " i just need to make it to that tree and then i can walk" and when i got there, set my goal for a different object. It sounds silly but running is 75% mental. Trust me - i went from being able to run barely a quarter mile to half marathons. it works :) oh and when you start running out of breath, breath in cadence - in two three out two three - through your nose
  • ffhsanfran
    ffhsanfran Posts: 63 Member
    Sounds wonderful. Keep at it. It is going to grow on you. As you feel more comfortable increase the duration a little and see how you and your body like it. Do your stretches after and before. Your capacity will increase, muscles will adjust, lung capacity will increase, heart rate is going to adjust. Try to make it fun and part of your routine. I like the natural tempo of running, step after step, it cleanses my mind. And stretching afterwords is so nice. Enjoy. It does not take anything but a pair of sneakers. I subscribed to runnersworld magazine to psyche myself up further. Really nice and for real people too.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I highly recommend the couch to 5k or couch to 10 k programs. You can google c25kfor podcasts, or there are iphone apps that can walk you through the program. Basically, it will build you up to running a 5 or 10k in 9-13 weeks. I'm doing c210k and I absolutely LOVE it!
  • BobChristian
    BobChristian Posts: 1 Member
    Give a try. It is a program designed for couch potatoes to become runners taking you from the Couch to a 5K in only 9 weeks. I did this, and recently finished it ... though it took a lot of pushing myself the last few weeks! When I started I could only manage one minute of running on the treadmill, and now I can run 30 minutes at a time and still feel good about things! Hope it works out for you!
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    I would in no way consider myself a runner, I have only been doing it for about 6- 7 months and much of that was rittled with injury. However, if you are not in shape start out very slow even with walking, when you are doing well with walking you may want to try a C25K type program. Also read up on running has great tips for the beginner. I know we all want to be able to run long and hard first time out of the gate, but we need practice, just like a toddler learning how to walk. Just don't give up, go slow and learn to enjoy the process. You will get there!! Oh yes and at first do not run daily you may hurt yourself, cross train on your days off.
  • jamieromeo
    jamieromeo Posts: 3 Member
    I absolutely agree except I think running is more like 95% mental. Small goals and good music are the most important things to me. I say things like 'ok if you run for 4 minutes at this speed you can lower it back down'. I started running in the summer of 2009 and I could only run a mile at a time tops at 5.0 on a treadmill. Now I'm up to 11 miles at a time. I'm doing my first half marathon next month and I hope to run 9 min miles the whole time. Keep it up and increase slowly. You'll be amazed at how quickly things start to get easier each week you'll feel like you can run a little faster for a little longer.
  • beckystephens
    beckystephens Posts: 117 Member
    yeah it really is 95% - until u run LOONG. I think its mental till u hit 7ish miles - then it is DEFINITELY physical LOL
  • tlaltman
    tlaltman Posts: 32
    This is a great post. I so want to run too! I just don't know where to begin. I read over the c25k and it looks like a great place to start. Good luck in your running goals.
  • cupajoe
    cupajoe Posts: 155
    Lower your speed. When i first started i set small goals in mind - when i want to stop i look at something in the not too far distance and think to myself " i just need to make it to that tree and then i can walk" and when i got there, set my goal for a different object. It sounds silly but running is 75% mental. Trust me - i went from being able to run barely a quarter mile to half marathons. it works :) oh and when you start running out of breath, breath in cadence - in two three out two three - through your nose

    I'm working of building up some stamina for running as well and I do this all the time. I can run for about a mile right now...depending on the stretch I'm running. I am just doing a little more each time and I try to focus on a certain target (and not staring at the top of the hill I'm trying to climb or it feels like it will NEVER end-lol). For instance...I'm going to make it to that stop sign and then I can walk...Ok, I'll try for the edge of the bridge...finally I notice the corner I'm running towards and decide I can make it all the way.
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