Will 1 cheat meal hurt my diet?



  • NowGoWorkout
    Depends on what you mean by hurt. If one french fry in the past led to a whole large fry, or one sip of a soda led to drinking a large fountain pop, then why risk it? You're making a life change here, you said it, I didn't. If you want a full on life change, then do that. Don't half *kitten* it. It's tough for tiger's to change their stripes...you're doing a great job of changing yours, but ditching those old habits isn't easy.

    Next, you've already had your 'cheat meals'. Skinny cow isn't that skinny. It's just pretty much straight sugar. If they help you survive this process, then use them judiciously. BUT, if you want real progress, real fast, real healthy, cut out the refined / processed foods. Be an *kitten*-kicking tough girl...workout harder, ditch the processed foods, and get to your goal.

    THEN, go into maintenance. Watch your bf% and scale AFTER you get to your goal. Add those 'fun' things in, or better yet, eat more of one of your healthy treats. Mine is a triple portion of my favorite protein powder, with 2% milk, a scoop of malted milk powder, a 1/2 banana, a drizzle of sugar free chocolate and some ice blended up. It's almost 600 calories. That's my reward for two-a-days completed, and when I'm at or close to my goal weight.

    Give yourself an inch...and you'll take it a mile...
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I have made some choices along the way that were not fantastic, but I've been on here since January 27th and I have done all I can to avoid having a full on cheat meal and while I do think it's ok to do, I would carefully consider what it is. If it's something that you can not make yourself eat in moderation once you get that taste again, I would not do it. One of my friends told me it takes 40 days to break a bad habit and 21 to make a new one....so you are right there, at the 3 weeks or 21 days point...you've already made a good new habit, but haven't made it the 40 days to break the old one. So...when I eat something that I wouldn't consider a typically "safe" choice I don't do it "full force," like when I do eat at Wendy's I get the chicken sandwich as a combo but get the side salad instead of the fries and have iced tea instead of a soda. You can still make reasonable choices during a cheat meal :) You have done so well over the last 3 weeks and I hope that you'll keep it up!
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    EATING IS NOT CHEATING!!!!!!! <----My opinion and sorry, but I feel very strongly about this. My blog is in my signature and I have a big paragraph about my feelings on using the word cheat to describe anything food related. Please click if you would like to read my full opinion. I hate the word cheat. I do not cheat when I eat unhealthy food. <--again, my opinion.
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    I lost 100 pounds simply eating healthy, no calorie counting. I'm now at a point where I need to monitor my calories a little. But while losing the 100 pounds I had a "cheat day," if that is what you want to call it, EVERY SUNDAY. And by "cheat" I mean I ate anything I chose at all, in any quantity. So, by all means, a "cheat meal" won't hurt. It will probably help, in fact, by preventing your body from interpreting your lowered caloric intake as starvation, and by helping you feel less deprived.

    That said, you'll probably have better luck overall if you give up the Weight Watchers' meals and Subway sandwiches and eat real food rather than the highly processed foods you are eating. The Weight Watcher's name doesn't mean they're healthy, and Jarad may have lost weight on a diet of Subway, but health is more important than weight loss, and the "Subway Diet" is NOT healthy. Losing weight is less important than establishing healthy eating habits. How about some fresh fruits and vegetables? Did you know you could have 3 CUPS of fresh strawberries for the calories in one Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich? THREE CUPS! (And frozen WHOLE UNSWEETENED strawberries are just as healthy and low cal, and WalMart has frozen unsweetened strawberries in a four pound bag for under $8). Put them in the blender with a little skim milk and a little natural stevia and you have a DELICIOUS shake! I took me three hours to eat three cups of strawberries while I watched TV last night. Veggies have a similar ability to fill you up for just a few calories, IF they're fresh. Eggs are a good high-protein food with few calories. Even meat is surprisingly low cal and high in protein. The key to healthy is that food be natural, whole, and processed as little as possible. And health is far more important than weight.

    Think healthy lifestyle, not diet.
  • gardea
    gardea Posts: 75
    I cheated last week. We went to applebee's for hubby's birthday. I went over my calories and I don't even like to think about my sodium intake that day, but the next morning I went right back to my regular routine. I worked out a little more that day too. I myself am not on a "diet". I am just choosing a better lifestyle. As long as you know you can control yourself, you will be alright. I figured I blew my diet that night and have lost 2.5 pounds in the last two weeks. I haven't cheated since then and haven't wanted too. It's all up to you. You know you best.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    definitely not! it's important to treat yourself. i have a cheat meal at least once a week. also, build it in - balance that slice of pizza with some salad.
  • kteej
    kteej Posts: 46 Member
    I agree as I do two cheat meals a week. Only a meal - not a day. The other days, I am very good, and stick to a bit lower calorie count. The cheat meals are more like extra calories (I don't count them) than true junk food - usually going out to eat (and a couple of drinks). I have completely eliminated fast food from my diet. By knowing that I can relax & enjoy when I go out, I can stick to my everyday diet. I also find that my cheat meals aren't as bad as I thought they'd be. For so many years I immediately gave up after 'breaking' my diet. It's much better incorporating it into the plan.