one of those days ...

this is a self-rant haha so I can get things down and tell them to someone so I feel better that I let go. What a bad day, what a bad week. Final went horribly, spent more time on a 30% portion than a question worth 60%. Office hours tomorrow for a practice I still need to take. Every second goes by I feel it's wasted and that I am not getting anything done. And I have this odd feeling like something isn't right as if I'm expecting bad news it's in my stomach and it's so strange. I feel defeated. And of course, above all, I went over my calories, I ate junk the past few days and I am hungry. And tomorrow it will repeat itself and I have four finals in five days next week and I am not ready. I feel out of it ...on the verge of tears out of it and I'm frustrated because I don't know what's wrong.

Usually I'm distract myself with this board but's not helping now.
