Fitting in Exercise?

Tarah716 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello all - I just started here. I had my first child, my son, last month and just got the all clear from the doctor to start exercising. I'm working full time - up at 6 AM and not home until 5 PM - then I do a few chores around the house, figure out dinner, spend time with my son and before I know it, it's time for bed! My week day just flies by but I know I need to fit exercise in so I can lose this baby weight and get back into shape!

I'm still in my maternity clothes because my pre pregnancy stuff doesn't fit. I'm giving myself a "realistic goal" of nine months after my DS was born to shed it all and maybe even a few extra LBs.

So my question is this - how do other full time working moms fit in exercise? What do you do? Any suggestions or pointers?


  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Well its definitely going to be different since you have a newborn and for the next year you're pretty much on his schedule. My kids are 10 and 6 I workout after they go bed, and after I'm done finishing the laundry/lunches/dishes etc.
  • Jenn070608
    Jenn070608 Posts: 206 Member
    How about a walk during lunch? My son is grown, but alot of the ladies I work with who have small children, walk during their lunch hour to get their exercise in.
  • Since your time is in high demand just try to work in little things throughout your day. Lunges while you walk through the house, lifting random 10lb objects while at work, calf raises when standing somewhere. Just a few things here and there will burn some cals for ya
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I agree with Saberfan, it will be different with a newborn. Mine are 14 and 11 and I get up and go to the gym before they wake up. I would suggest fitting in short bursts of exercise when you can. the Jillian Michael's 30 mins workouts (shred and ripped) are both really good and are a great way to get in a bit of fat burning with some resistance training. I like your approach of giving yourself 9 months to meet that goal. it is close enough to keep you on target, but still realistic enough to set you up for success!

    Good luck!! (and congratulations on the little one!) :drinker:
  • Tarah716
    Tarah716 Posts: 3 Member
    Since your time is in high demand just try to work in little things throughout your day. Lunges while you walk through the house, lifting random 10lb objects while at work, calf raises when standing somewhere. Just a few things here and there will burn some cals for ya

    I love this idea! I'll def try to work that in during the week, I think on the weekends I'll have an easier time fitting in a longer workout.
  • Tarah716
    Tarah716 Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with Saberfan, it will be different with a newborn. Mine are 14 and 11 and I get up and go to the gym before they wake up. I would suggest fitting in short bursts of exercise when you can. the Jillian Michael's 30 mins workouts (shred and ripped) are both really good and are a great way to get in a bit of fat burning with some resistance training. I like your approach of giving yourself 9 months to meet that goal. it is close enough to keep you on target, but still realistic enough to set you up for success!

    Good luck!! (and congratulations on the little one!) :drinker:

    Thanks - I figured nine months on, nine months off - weight wise. I have her shred DVD, I'll have to dust that off and fit it in a few days a week.
  • My dad has been staying with us since last Friday and Tuesday he was admitted to the hospital and I gotta tell you that fitting in exercise since he's been here has been difficult. I am a member of Curves, which is a 30 minute workout and I have been faithful for the past 5 weeks because there is a Biggest Loser contest going on. Right now I am in 4th place and I know I won't win, but being accountable for my weight and exercise has helped me to stay motivated.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    Thanks - I figured nine months on, nine months off - weight wise. I have her shred DVD, I'll have to dust that off and fit it in a few days a week.

    That is what I read in my Parents mag.! It takes 9mos to put it on it will take at least 9mos to get it off!!!
  • lnadeau66
    lnadeau66 Posts: 135 Member
    First of all Congratulation of the birth of your new baby! Second, WOW, you are ambitious, more power to you! The last thing I thought of the first year my children were home (I adopted both of them at the age of 10 months) was diet and exercise! More like survival and "OMG jet lag sucks more than I could ever realize"! They are now 5 and 8 and I get up at 4:30 - 5 to get a workout in before they get up. I would suggest taking him for a walk in the evening, I use to get mine all ready for bed and tuck them in their stroller. It would relax them and we got to spend some quality time as a family. I suggest a nice jogging stroller with a rain/wind shield just in case. Congatulations Again and Best of Luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • vxmittyxv
    vxmittyxv Posts: 122 Member
    My kids are older and I am fortunate that my husband is really supportive of what I am doing. I find if I don't workout as soon as get home from work it doesn't happen. So generally he will cook dinner while I workout. What a great man, huh.
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    working out was realy hard untill I decided to loose a little sleep. Im a single mom of a 6 yr old who works full time and goes to school part time. There are mornings I get up at four to fit something in even if its just 15-20 minutes.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member

    I hope this helps as i have had the same complaint and still do! its not easy and honestly i dont think it will become easy anytime soon; sorry for that news! But, its so worth it to fit it in somehow someway. You probably wont get as much sleep as others (u probably already arent with a newborn), but try to get at least 5-6 hours. I am a mom of a 1 year old (2 in May) and a 7 month old. My day doesnt get quiet until around 9pm and at that time i squeeze in Jillian Micheals 30 Day shred. Im on Day 8 and will do that everyday for 30 days since it is 20 minutes. I am usually in bed at 10:30 and waking up at 5:30-6 for 8am check in at work. Since the weather is not scorching yet, i utilize 30 minutes of my lunchtime 3 days a week to squeeze in some more cardio at a gym near my job. i freshen up in 15 minutes and head back in; not ideal but a sacrafice. My husband is off on Sundays and Mondays so on those days i can run outside or do something extra. This is just an example of my life as a mommy right now. I can tell you there are days i want to give up and just let go of the madness, but i dont like the alterenative. This is temporary; once we get to an ideal weight we can reduce the execrcise level to 3-4 times a week. Good luck! Im new to this as well so we can motivate each other!
  • aprylkemper
    aprylkemper Posts: 123 Member
    I am a single mom of 2 boys, they are 8 and nearly 4 now, but when the youngest was just born, and my ex and I were going through divorce proceedings, it was summertime, so I used that as an advantage to use our time together to walk in the evenings when I got home from work, talk to him and let my older son get some exercise on his little scooter at the same time.

    If you are married - would your husband maybe go on a walk with you and push the stroller while you run a little of the time?
    I will say this - it takes adjustment with a baby but it can be done, enlist support from family and friends or even look into a baby stroller bootcamp if your area offers it, to get to know some other new moms with similar goals (and obviously similar lifestyles!)
    Best of luck and no matter what, enjoy that baby. If you get overwhelmed, he is definitely priority. You can always ease yourself in and lose the weight but you'll never get the time back you spend with him when he's this age. All us mothers realize that after it's gone :)
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    I agree, going for a walk at lunch time is good. I also know that breastfeeding your baby when you can will burn some calories and be healthy for him!
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