


  • tycola32
    tycola32 Posts: 1
    Girl I feel your pain the same thing happen to me... I was 185lbs almost three years ago, so I join tidewater weight loss and got down to 147lbs in no time. I stop going to the clinic and went back up 155lbs and now I’m 153lbs trying to get to 145lbs and it has been a struggle. I have done everything and have only been able to maintain, so I really hope I can get it done this time. I'm going on a cruise for my 10th wedding anniversary in Aug and really would love it if I can look my best…
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi, yes it can be so frustrating...I will tell you I truly agree with most of the other posts. I don't believe you are eating enough and you should eat at least half your exercise calories. I actually tried something this last week and lost 2 lbs...I increased my calories from 1330 to 1550 and lost. So it may be that your body is in starvation mode and needs more fuel.
  • morrfaith
    morrfaith Posts: 2 Member
    Be encouraged. I went through a similarly shocking experience and committed to change on May 1st. I've lost 42lbs. Select the plan that is right for you. Custom Healthy Eating, Exercise and consistency has been the key to weight loss for me. Good luck!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Zombie thread from over 6 years ago.
  • krael65
    krael65 Posts: 306 Member
    It's kinda funny to read through. THIS was the prevailing 'wisdom' when I first joined MFP in 2011! I took a break for a couple of years... When I came back ~1.5 years ago, CI<CO was/is the prevailing message. I must say, the CI/CO equation makes much more sense than "you're not losing? EAT MORE!"
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    ha... I clearly remember back then and every time someone said they weren't losing, EVERYONE jumped on the "you're not eating enough" bandwagon. I had so many arguments with people about it that it made NO sense. I was going to make a post about it now, how trends have changed.
    Because also back then, a lot of people would insist on not eating after dinner, or intermittent fasting.
  • carolinelanewa
    carolinelanewa Posts: 45 Member
    Hang in there. I feel your frustration. I trained for a triathlon for 4 months. We are told if you eat well and exercise off it comes. I was eating 1500 cals a day. Nothing processed. 4 pt sessions a week. Cycling 80km a week. Swimming twice a week. Walking due to a stress fracture 3km everyday. Lost nothing. Zip. Just as well i loved the training. After tri my pt said you got your goal and finished the tri. Now no more than 30 mins 5 days a week. What!!!! Was my rsponse. To much exercise can increase cortisol and stop losing weight. Went against everything i knew. Have cut out sugar. Not that i eat much. Just in coffee. Now no sugar in coffee. Just under 4 weeks in have dropped 3kg. Whole thing seems nuts but its working. My weight is on my pooch. Have toned legs and arms. Have weigh in and measurements on monday and for first time in a long time i cant wait. Just hang in there. Also depending on your age it can make it harder. Im in menopause and they say its nearly impossinle to loose weight.
  • ksharrell48
    ksharrell48 Posts: 171 Member
    I wonder how the OP is doing now?
  • RedSierra
    RedSierra Posts: 253 Member
    edited August 2017
    edited out -- didn't realize this is an old thread resurrected from the dead