Shakeology or Herbalife?



  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    shakeology is a GREAT way to get all of the nutrients you need. NO ONE is saying only drink a shake 3x a day, and there are some that are like that. Most shakes are junk, overprocessed sugars and fillers. Shakeology is not, and if you purchased a beachbody program it not only comes with the workout programs but a a meal planner, and a new way of eating. It teaches you how to change eating habits and make sure you are getting all food groups in, it teaches CLEAN eating which is more important. Besides that, the health benefits of shakeology are TREMENDOUS. It lowered cholesterol in particpants in a study by 30% and bad cholesterol by 38%. Having a shakeology is not an easy way out of a meal, it IS a meal. A good well balanced meal. Being a Nurse and working with many doctors and nutritionists in my life, many are now standing behind shakeology. Sometimes something good comes along, people should give it a try. It costs less than a starbucks coffee. I don't sell the product, but I 100% stand behind it. I don't think over 8,000 people who all love it can be wrong in the results that they get. Go Shakeology!

    Thank you!
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