Low Impact Workout Suggestions?

MrsWendyQ Posts: 125 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I really want to find some exercise DVD's that I CAN do. I have a pretty messed up back and I'm not permitted to do anything that's high impact, basically no jumping and/or jarring. I try to stick with walking and the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home type things. Anyone have any suggestions of great workouts that might be "Wendy Friendly?"


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    This is why I chose Chalene Johnson from Beacbody. I love turbojam because she has a modifier in everyone of her DVDs that does the low impact version right along with her. when I started out I had really bad knees and did not even exercise for the first 2 months, at which point I lost 40 pounds and my body was screaming for exercise. That is when I purchased turbojam. It really helped get my legs nice and shapely as well as my hips, now the smallest thing on my body. :)

    Good luck to you.
  • patsyacs
    patsyacs Posts: 1,322 Member
    How about yoga or an exercise ball? I brought a ball tothe office to replace my uncomfortable chair. I find myself bouncing and rotating my hips off an on all day. Lost an inch from my hips.
  • I'm doing The Biggest Loser Cardio Max right now. There is some jumping but they tell you and show you how to modify it so it's lower impact. I love this workout; it kicks my butt!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I am completely angry with Jillian....I purchased one of her DVDs and even though she modifies some of it, there is a high impact part where she tells us NOT TO MODIFY it, that she has 400 pound people who can do this....yea, well apparently she has never been 400 pounds. because I guarantee that those 400 pound people doing that will suffere with long-term knee problems down the road from her telling them to do it. She's a crock of bull....I will stick with CHalene....she cares about my knees.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    There are some walking workouts, Leslie Sansone and Chris Faytag (think I have the names right. Chris Faytag really works you hard and has toning with weights with her workout. Both of these are low impact. If you have ondemand with you cable you can try some free.
  • MrsWendyQ
    MrsWendyQ Posts: 125 Member
    Oh, yes, forgot to mention I do use the On Demand feature of my cable! Love it!! My sister turned me on to that, I never knew it was there! I mean, my kids constantly watch Mythbusters and iCarly, but exercise? YES! My youngest does a lot of them with me when he's there, it's fabulous!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    If you've got some money to invest, and want no impact with some sore muscles from a great workout, this one's really good: http://www.t-tapp.com/try/index.html
  • For me, I swim. I ruptured my Achilles tendon a few years back, and have no end of lower leg problems, so I swim. Gravity is cruel, water is freeing.

    I swim five days a week at an indoor pool, and swim at least 90 minutes. When I started, I was only able to do 500 meters, but today, I swim 2500 - 3000 meters daily.

    Oh and before you say you are too fat to swim in public, I weigh well over 300 pounds.
    Brenda : )~
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