I'm not afraid anymore!!!

agoessli Posts: 81 Member
edited September 26 in Success Stories
Let me start by saying....I am still in the beginning of my journey but something happened today that I am so proud of and I just can't keep it to myself!

I started on mfp on January 5th of this year and for the first month I did well by watching what I was eating but I wasn't exercising at all. I knew that if I wanted to feel really good I needed to exercise. So....I now have an elliptical machine sitting in my bedroom. :-) I've been doing 20 minutes every day which I know isn't GREAT but it's better than nothing and I had to start somewhere. Recently, (about two weeks ago) I went 2 miles in 20 minutes and I was so proud of myself! I was really pushing myself and since then I have gone that far every day.....until Wednesday. Today, I was facing the same problem. I usually start at a hot pace to try and make sure when I slow down at the end I have some cushion to still make that 2 miles. Today, I had really bombed out about half way through and was going to have to MAKE UP extra time in my last two minutes. I knew there was no way I could do it.

but then....

I convinced myself that it's ok to try. I believe I actually spit out "don't be afraid" somewhere in the chaos of my gasping breaths. So I tried....for the first time in my whole life....I tried knowing that I may not get there....but I tried....and guess what?!?!?! I did it. I am so proud of myself. I started January 5th....I've lost 32 pounds. I still have 70 to go before I get to my goal and 30 to go before I get to my wedding in September....but I'm not afraid to try. Thank you to everyone who has been pushing and struggling and trying and failing and still trying....you are my inspirations. You are the reason I knew I could do this. You are the reason that I now believe I can do this.



  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    That is awesome!!! Way to go!!
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    you're doing great! I'm struggling with learning to run, so i empathize with your journey...
    We never knew how much we could do until we tried...
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    Congratulations!! You are going to do great!
  • bethany41h
    bethany41h Posts: 218
    This is the best kind of success story! It sounds like you are well on your way to achieving your goals and you have the best attitude to get there. I am certain you are gonna make one beautiful bride in September :) Keep up the great work and keep spreading and sharing your positive attitude with others! Thanks for sharing!
  • great job ur an inspiration as well girlie... way to go keep up the great work.....=)
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    Good for you!! You did it! You should indeed be proud... and know that nothing will stop you from doing anything you really want... unless you give in to fear. You go girl! Keep stretching yourself... till you reach your full potential. Hope you have a great wedding and enjoy your accomplishments along the way.
  • dwellsouth
    dwellsouth Posts: 158 Member
    That is awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • Plumpqt
    Plumpqt Posts: 156
  • ktraubert
    ktraubert Posts: 29
    Reading this gave me chills, I totally understand and you should be proud of yourself. Way to go, we are all proud of you too!
  • knachelle
    knachelle Posts: 13 Member
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    That's awesome! Keep up the good work! :)
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    I didn't think I could feel any happier about this, but you all are so sweet and wonderful! Thank you!
  • ericapledger
    ericapledger Posts: 32 Member
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    great job! keep it up :)
  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member
    That's Awesome! Good for you!
  • greatescape
    greatescape Posts: 54 Member
    Great story! Really inspiring, and now I know I'm not alone thinking that way. It's truly the best revelation I've ever had!
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    Wow! That was an amazing thing to read! I am so proud of you and grateful for your post. I needed some inspiration today. You are doing such an amazing job! Congratulations on your loss so far and thank you so much for sharing! We are all rooting for you and so excited for you!
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    Great job! Keep up the good work! We are all afraid sometimes, but just push yourself through it and tell yourself you can do it! It will happen if we only try!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    wtg.keep it up.You can do it!!
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    What a great story. Keep up the good work
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