MFP-free weekend...

I'm a little nervous...i'm headed up north to my boyfriend's cabin to turkey hunt this weekend...there's no cell phone service in the woods up there and i definitely won't have a computer...sooooo, i guess i'm just going to go with my instincts on eating and hope i've learned enought over the past three weeks with MFP...any tips for me??


  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    Portion control...if you aren't sure of the calorie content, just have a little bit =)
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Watch your portions and always feel ok to NOT finish a larger than life portion. Try to stick with whole foods if you can. You'll do fine.
  • AdriGirl
    AdriGirl Posts: 11 Member
    Keep a little notebook of what you ate, make your best guess judgement at portion control, and log it when you get back. I bet you'll do great!i
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    "If it's brown drink it down, if it's black send it back."
    Ok I jest.
    1.) Drink water instead of soda or juices
    2.)Portion control/fill up on healthy food if possible
    3.) Stay away from creamy sauces and dressings, butter and extra salt if able.

    You've got this, it's just a weekend, just don't over indulge but if you get off track a little it isn't the end of the world, MFP will be here when you return. Have fun!