Am I broken?

Nessarose1022 Posts: 15 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
So this is the end of my third week on MFP and I am starting to get a little discouraged. In my first week, I lost 4 pounds, and I know most of that was water. Since then, I have yo-yoed up and down 1-2 pounds and cant seem to stay down, and then go down some more.

Admittedly, I did not work out enough last week, and with easter this weekend, I probably wont be working out much more than I already have this week. But I'm counting all my calories, and yeah, I might be going a little over, or coming close to the limit, but over all this week, I have worked out more than the extra calories I have consumed.

What I am trying to get to is that I'm frustrated. I have at lease 25 more pounds to lose and my body is not letting me. I lost the same 25 pounds in my 4th year of university and it seemed so easy then. I wasnt working out, just walking around campus. I still ate junk food, and it all came off! That was only 3 years ago!

Does anyone have any suggestions? I feel like my body is broken. This happens a lot. I try and diet and nothing happens. I count calories, I did Weight Watchers, I work out, Nothing.



  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    Maybe if you made your diary visible we could look into it and give suggestions.
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    You have to give it time. It took longer than a month to put the weight on and it is even harder to get it to come off. You just have to continue to make the right choices and remember why you started this journey. It will happen.......
  • hi, are you eating enough to start your metabolism and exercising aswell to help burn calories. Starting the day with a good healthy big breakfast should kickstart you metabolism for the day.

    In the morning i usually have a large bowl of bran flakes with a banana sliced over it with skimmed milk, it seems to fill me and keep active til lunch time.

    its all about finding the right food that suits you.

    hope this helps
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    It sounds like you are cutting some corners, and yeah, that will keep you from losing. We usually overestimate the amount we are exercising and understimate the amount of extra calories (and I think MFPs estimates of calories burned are a little high for most people).
  • Nessarose1022
    Nessarose1022 Posts: 15 Member
    Food diary has opened up! This week has been bad food wise because I have a lot of family get togethers and we always go out to eat! :(
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    Maybe you need more friends, more support to keep you feeling better!!
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    If you are not eating close to your suggested calories after exercise (about 100 cals) you are not giving your body the proper nutrition it needs to build muscle and shed fat. And be careful when you dine out. Might be best to share a plate. Or if you know you are going out to eat, have slightly smaller meals the rest of the day.
  • Jessk63
    Jessk63 Posts: 51
    Im right there with you.....but I think I will have to agree with most I know this isnt easy but I guess we have to be patient and let our bodies adjust, have you had maybe some non scale victories... like your clothes fitting a little better? best of luck!
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    First, your body is not broken. You are alive and well I am presuming, so you’re good in that respect, however of course if you feel there is a medical issue you always want to get it checked out by your doctor (that is my disclaimer).

    Second, sometimes it takes a min. Make sure you are eating good foods and don't use Easter as an excuse, I don't say this in a mean way, I am saying it as an MFP friend. The more excuses we allow ourselves the more behind we become.

    Third...Keep exercising it will give you lots of good feelings, you will end up eating better and making better choices because of exercising.

    Forth...remember, if you never give up you will have no choice but to succeed. Don't give up baby, we got your back and we are all here to support you!!!! The beginning can be the most difficult time both physically and emotionally, but push through it, we have all been there and frequently go through it all over again. Take care and just keep moving forward, the weight will come off.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    If you readily admit that you're not working out enough or eating right, I would suggest that it's not your body that's broken. Fat doesn't vanish because you think it should. You have to commit to exercise and dietary changes if you want to see results. Half-assing it won't do much for you, I'm afraid.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    give it more than three weeks. make sure you drink enough. expect fluctuations to happen when you don't workout/eat properly. track your inches. it didn't take three weeks to put on. how long did it take you to gain the weight? give yourself that long to take it off. if after that time you've been consistent and nothing's really happening, then yes, some professional assistance would be helpful. but if you're doing this just to lose weight, not to be healthy, then you won't be healthy because the second you don't lose weight, you give up. make sure to balance your perspective and be in it for the long haul. a year or two down the line, you'll never have regretted sticking with it. you def would regret having given up.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I've looked through your diary (about a month's worth of days), and this is what I've noticed:
    1) you don't eat near enough calories to sustain your body's demands on most days
    2) the things you eat are nutritionally empty, for the most part

    Yes, you can lose weight by eating fast food every day, if you only eat x amt. of calories. But your body will be unhealthy and unhappy. Try to think of food as fuel for your body. The better the nutrition, the better it will perform for you. My diary is open, and you are free to look at that. I'm not the cleanest eater, but I try. BTW, the last 2 wks are a bit off, b/c my mom is here visiting, so you may want to look at the days prior to Apr. 4, lol!

    Incorporate more veggies, fruit, protein (without all the breading and sauces), nuts, and you will see things change quickly. Btw, in the 2 wks that my mom has been here with me, she's lost almost 10 lbs! And she's not even exercising or watching her diet as closely as I am. Good luck!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Ok, several things going on here.

    While you are coming under your calories some days - your choices could be much healthier. Although you aren't tracking it - you are eating TONS of sodium every day. Add that to your tracker, try to keep it under 1500 mg/day, otherwise you are going to retain water weight.

    Here's an 8 week plan that changed my life when I joined MFP. You need to eat CLEAN. If you truly want this to be a lifestyle change that you can stick with forever, you've got to learn to do it right. Check out this link, and stick to this plan... you will reap HUGE benefits.

    Exercise of course is going to be important too, if you want fast results, you need to do interval training mixed with strength training. Lift HEAVY weights, 3x/week and do high intensity interval training on your "rest days". Check out this article:

    Drink water.

    It sounds simple, but it takes work, but if you do ALL of these things CONSISTENTLY. You will see AMAZING results and the best part is, it's doable. It only requires working out 30-40 minutes 6 days a week and if you eat healthy and clean, you will be satisfied, never hungry, you will have more energy and it becomes a life-long habit.

  • You can do it! Remember when I told you about being stuck at 197 for over a month. Now I am down to 193 in the last 2 weeks, and I didn't change anything. Sometimes our bodies want to hold on to the fat.. Don't worry you can do it!!!!!!:smile:
  • I know you said that you were having a bad week (which we all have), try and ALWAYS eat breakfast. Even if its a apple or something small. It will jump start your metabolism. Plus try and spread out your calories through out the day!
    You are drinking lots of water, that is good! :)
  • Nessarose1022
    Nessarose1022 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the support, lady!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    What I am trying to get to is that I'm frustrated. I have at lease 25 more pounds to lose and my body is not letting me. I lost the same 25 pounds in my 4th year of university and it seemed so easy then. I wasnt working out, just walking around campus. I still ate junk food, and it all came off! That was only 3 years ago!


    Welcome to getting old!! And the older you get, the HARDER it gets to get the weight off....
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