Need some Insanity encouragement

mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I am posting today to get some encouragement, support, or advice on the Insanity program. I would not call myself "unfit". I have a deep history of weightlifting, running, kickboxing, and various other strenuous exercise routines in my past. But, I gotta tell you, this Insanity program is kicking my *kitten*. I am completely exhausted to the point of it affecting my mental alertness. I am only on day 4! Is this just a warm up phase? Should I be working through this and sticking to the 6 day per week program, modifying it, or is this program just too much for me?

I really want to work through it, but I am finding it very difficult. Advice please!


  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    If you need to take breaks, or modify the exercises down to your own level, definitely do that....but don't get discouraged because it's hard for you. It's supposed to be just that....insane. But make sure you eare eating enough food to fuel your workouts. You need to eat more than you think you do, really. Stick to the Elite Nutrition Plan that came with it. Trust me.
  • Stick with it! Do the best you can each day - you will be AMAZED how much better you get each week!!
  • hoya96
    hoya96 Posts: 12 Member
    First off, great job to read that you are on day 4! Couple of things: make sure you have your heart rate monitor - your issue of mental alertness is of concern. In my experience, if your feeling light headed or "foggy" you need to stop. Second, it's ok to stop and catch your breath even though the video keeps going - even his team members stop mid-way through. Third, this is for fun and while it does not get easier it does give you what you paid for- an insane work out.

    Have fun!
  • mare91467
    mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
    I didn't even look at the nutrition plan to tell you the truth. I did modify my activity level on this site and increased my calories, but maybe it isn't enough. I will look at the plan. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • mare91467
    mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
    Thank you. I really, really want to be successful at this and I am not afraid of hard work. I got really down yesterday when I did the Cardio Recovery and couldn't hold the poses hardly at all. I thought this was supposed to be a recovery workout! lol I know I need to give my body the chance to adjust.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Follow the Elite nutrition plan as much as you can, at the very least their calorie count. Im betting you aren't eating enough calories. I can promise your energy and stamina will increase during week 2. I feel awesome and am just finishing week 2.
  • theprices
    theprices Posts: 97 Member
    Just make sure you're getting enough sleep, and eating enough calories. Eat back your exercise calories - or you're likely wiped out because you haven't fueled your body!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Thank you. I really, really want to be successful at this and I am not afraid of hard work. I got really down yesterday when I did the Cardio Recovery and couldn't hold the poses hardly at all. I thought this was supposed to be a recovery workout! lol I know I need to give my body the chance to adjust.

    Insane recovery = slow paced *kitten* kicking.

    It BURNS and I cant hold them either, I just do the best I can and take several breaks, way more than they do on the DVD thats for sure..but I GET BACK TO IT. Week 1 I literally sat the last 10 mins of each video....
  • mare91467
    mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
    I have a heart rate monitor, but to be blunt, it sucks. It only registered 240 calories on the Plyometric cardio circuit, which absolutely can not be correct. I need to invest in a good one.

    The mental alertness is more of a tiredness afterwards. I am not getting dizzy or foggy, just really tired as an after effect. And sore.

    I think I am just going to muscle through and take more breaks to get through the workout. I hope that as time goes on, I will be able to keep up more and more.

    Thanks for your suggestions!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Ij ust looked at your diary. I would guess you aren't eating enough calories. Insanity has me at 1700 calories and thats WITH A defiict. I am 140lbs.
  • mare91467
    mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
    Thank you for admitting that to me. I was done about 20 minutes into it, and just sat on the floor watching it. lol I couldn't get up. I felt like a loser! Today is pure cardio, and I am scared!
  • mare91467
    mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
    Let me ask you this question then. How do you track the exercise on here? Do you do a manual tracking based on a heart rate monitor result? Or do you track it some other way? Someone on here suggested that I adjust my activity level in the settings and not log the exercise at all. That is currently what I am doing but I adjusted it to the one below the most active one. I work in an office all day (somewhat active but still a desk job) and then do the work out at night. I do have a 4 year old who keeps me active at home. Maybe I should adjust it to the most active setting?
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I think you'll be surprised with pure cardio, its not as bad as it sounds.....although you will be dripping with sweat I think you might like it.

    Dont beat yourself up - the people on that DVD have done Insanity several times....we cant compete with that, no way.

    I already see a great progress in my ability to keep up though and today is day 11. It doesn't get easier because you're always pushing yourself to the next limit but last week I could barely walk up the stairs, or sit on the toilet it hurt so bad. I'm not sore at all this week btu can feel that my body was worked to its max.

    Focus on the form and breathing this week. Next week take the breaks you need to, but push to stay in it more and more even if that means going at a slower pace.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    No I calculated my calories based on the Insanity's nutrition plan, and manually changed mine on here - I dont log my exercise because my calories are already taking Insanity into account.

    We have a group posting just about everyday on Insanity you should join us. because we're super cool and complain together :laugh:
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Our group is in Fitness and Exercise called Are you Insane...some just started so you'll be right on track with the rest of us.
  • mare91467
    mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
    Ha ha, sleep. I guess I get about 7.0 hours a night. Probably just shy of what I need, but it is broken sleep due to a needy 4 year old and a husband who gets done work after midnight. Do you think I can rent a hotel room during the next 60 days? :yawn:
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I too work in an office all day, but doing Insanity puts us at an active level - 6 days a week and its almost an hour each day so active is accurate but I personally just use Insanity's calorie counts I like their formula better and you can always adjust by 100 calories give or take based on your results after a few weeks.

    I think you'll feel alot better if you eat more though.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I have a heart rate monitor, but to be blunt, it sucks. It only registered 240 calories on the Plyometric cardio circuit, which absolutely can not be correct. I need to invest in a good one.

    I have a good HRM with a cheast strap and I average between 250 and 330 calories burned per workout. So your monitor could very well be correct! I have really low blood pressure normally and my heart is very efficiant pumping blood so I think that may have something to do with it. I have no idea how people claim to burn 600-1000 calories during the same workout. Its boggles me?

    i am just finishing up week 4. I am about get into mointh 2, I'm scared! LOL

    I can tell you it never really does get easier. Its cause you are always pushing yourself to the limit. as you get better the limit gets higher. everyday feels like a first day. Keep going. you will see results and you wil love the way it makes you feel.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I bumped our thread in fitness and exercise if you want to see us all moan and groan our way through Insanity. If your HRM is registering 240, and your eating 1400 a day....your netting 1200, some days less that simple isn't enough to get you through a program like Insanity.
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