Has anyone tried the Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack?

lg7824 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
My sister and I have decided to start on Monday the 6 week six pack workout...We decided to do this because like most people we are struggling with our midsections especially the lower area.

I was wondering if anyone has tried it or was interested in tryin it along with us...

Any feedback would help...Thanks


  • hilhall822
    hilhall822 Posts: 116 Member
    I bought the dvd but haven't done it yet- I'm planning on doing it three times next week if you want to compare notes?
  • bakersduzin
    bakersduzin Posts: 60 Member
    I've been doing 6 Week 6 Pack for the last 6 weeks or so, and I think it is a great workout. Jillian not only works on strenghtening your abs, but on getting some cardiovascular training in there as well - good for shedding the fat that's covering those abs! I'm on Level 2 right now, and jeez it's nuts! It's definitely worth it though, because I can already feel a pretty big difference in my whole midsection. Consistency is key!
  • Great video. I do her 30 day shred and then the 6w6p.. I have struggled with defining my abs my whole life and I am finally seeing definition. I have also limited my sugar to less then 35 grams a day. Can't wait for swimsuit season!
  • lg7824
    lg7824 Posts: 10 Member
    I bought the dvd but haven't done it yet- I'm planning on doing it three times next week if you want to compare notes?

    I would love to compare notes...we will be posting measurements on Monday then every Monday from here on out...

    Add me!!:happy:
  • lg7824
    lg7824 Posts: 10 Member
    I've been doing 6 Week 6 Pack for the last 6 weeks or so, and I think it is a great workout. Jillian not only works on strenghtening your abs, but on getting some cardiovascular training in there as well - good for shedding the fat that's covering those abs! I'm on Level 2 right now, and jeez it's nuts! It's definitely worth it though, because I can already feel a pretty big difference in my whole midsection. Consistency is key!

    Thanks for the information...I can't wait to see a difference...and knowing that others are seeing results will make it that much easier to stick with...
  • lg7824
    lg7824 Posts: 10 Member
    Great video. I do her 30 day shred and then the 6w6p.. I have struggled with defining my abs my whole life and I am finally seeing definition. I have also limited my sugar to less then 35 grams a day. Can't wait for swimsuit season!

    I've been doing the 30 day jump start and it is working as well...We both walk 3-4 days a week weather permitting at least 4 miles a day...but we struggle with abs...Swimsuit season is one of the reasons we thought about trying this...

    Sugar is my fault...I keep below my calories but almost always over on my sugar...any suggestions on how to lower that?
  • I guess I would have to see your diary. What foods are you eating that make up your daily sugar intake?
    I keep fruit to a minimum - usually one apple or orange a day. I take multi-vitamins to ensure I get my vitamin C.
    I have eliminated flavored yogurt, sugared coffee creamers, and as mentioned before - fruit.
    I now buy sugar free coffee creamer - tastes the same. As for a substitute for flavored yogurts, plain non-fat greek yogurt is the way to go. I add a spoonfull of sugar-free pudding mix to flavor it a bit - tastes GREAT!
  • lg7824
    lg7824 Posts: 10 Member
    My problem is I don't eat the sugar free items...I use coffee creamer and eat jello pudding but not the sugar free...I think that maybe a place to start...Thanks
  • hilhall822
    hilhall822 Posts: 116 Member
    Great video. I do her 30 day shred and then the 6w6p.. I have struggled with defining my abs my whole life and I am finally seeing definition. I have also limited my sugar to less then 35 grams a day. Can't wait for swimsuit season!

    I've been doing the 30 day jump start and it is working as well...We both walk 3-4 days a week weather permitting at least 4 miles a day...but we struggle with abs...Swimsuit season is one of the reasons we thought about trying this...

    Sugar is my fault...I keep below my calories but almost always over on my sugar...any suggestions on how to lower that?

    More veggies, less processed foods. I notice when I have packaged foods my carbs/sugar skyrocket- even if I eat a banana or apple it's not as much. I have to be careful with my yogurt, too- it has SO much sugar!
  • lg7824
    lg7824 Posts: 10 Member
    :happy: THANKS...I kno my problem is processed foods...It's just so hard to cook for one person from scratch.
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    I'm with you on the struggle to cook from scratch for one person. I'm finding success with more frequent trips to the store...buying for a day or two at a time only. It is yet another habit to work on, but worth it.
    I'd also recommend trying to follow a simple rule for all packaged foods: if there is any form of sugar (even organic cane sugar, etc) listed in the first 3 - 5 ingredients, find a better option.
    You might be shocked at how much unnecessary sugar you're consuming in things like bread, deli meat, and condiments (esp salad dressing!)
    Best of luck to you!! You can do this!!!

    PS: My latest discovery is mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes!! I believed I hated cauliflower until I made myself try this. Now I love it - it is my "comfort food when I'm craving something rich and yummy"...and it's SUPER clean and healthy.
    You simply cut up a head of cauliflower into small florets (I use as much of the stem as I can too).
    Dump it all into a pot of boiling water.
    Simmer for 10 min
    Drain in a colander.
    Either blend, use food processor, or go old fashioned and use a masher.
    You can add a tbsp of olive oil if you want it creamier - or not for lumpier.
    Then add things for flavor like garlic, fresh basil, fresh rosemary, salt and pepper...you get the idea. Experiment!
    (lots of recipes I found call for milk/cream, butter, etc...but I'm going dairy free and found this doesn't need any dairy at all to be super rich, creamy and delicious)
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I'm starting it tomorrow- I did 30ds and loved it, but am now mixing it up a bit and doing banish fat, boost metabolism x2 a week, no more trouble zones x2 a week and 6wk 6pack x2 a week...eek!!
  • lg7824
    lg7824 Posts: 10 Member
    So today was the first day of the 6 wk 6 pk...it kicked my butt...good workout but exhausting...will stick with it though....
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