C25K or P90X?

I'm well on my way of achieving the first part of my goal, by losing 45 pounds without ANY exercise. Thank you MFP!!!! Only 4 more lbs to go!

Next, is to start "working out", which I despise!

After that, I'm planning to quit smoking, and hope that this life style change does not put the weight back on. 6 years ago, I added 50 lbs to my frame after I quit smoking.

For those of you that have tried both the C25K and P90X, which do you prefer or suggest? I'm a BUSY man that struggles finding time to dedicate to working out.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.


  • txbabes1
    txbabes1 Posts: 31
    Because you haven't been consistently working out, I would suggest you go easy at first. That being said, start with the C25K and then do P90.... and then, P90X.

    Of course, that's only a suggestion. Good luck to you, and great job with the progress!!
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    P90X is AWESOME, but very time-consuming. It's 60-90 minutes per day, 6-7 days per week. I consider myself a runner, and I like the freedom that it offers in time commitment. Training for an event can be time consuming, but you can run just a few days a week and it will still be highly beneficial.

    Also, you won't want to smoke when you're running because it's all about the breathing!!

    Congrats on losing almost 45lbs -- that is an amazing accomplishment and proves that you can do anything if you set your mind to it!! You have a gorgeous family, too!!
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    They have 2 very different goals. One is to make you into a runner, the other is for general fitness and strength. What are your goals? Do you want to run a 5k? Is running something you are interested it? I've only done c25K but I loved it...if that helps.
  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member
    I would probably stop smoking first. Running and smoking don't usually mix well.

    P.S. Congrats on the weight loss :)
  • sweetnic
    sweetnic Posts: 66 Member
    I've never done the c25k, but I have p90x. It is brutal, but it produces results! I have done all of the workouts, and I have 5 or 6 that are my favorite. I do those a couple of times a week in addition to cardio. The only thing I don't like about p90x is that it really is more strength training than cardio. You still work up a good sweat, but it just doesn't get my heart pumping like an hour on the elliptical does. I want to run the "turkey trot" 5k on Thanksgiving with my sister, so I will be looking into the c25k soon. I've heard great things about it!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Well, since you haven't been exercising, I would suggest C25K. It's 3 times a week and 30 minutes with warm up and cool down. It, however, is just cardio and no weights. I LOVE P90X, but it has a time commitment of at least an hour 6 days a week. But, the weights that it incorporates will help to build muscle that will rev your metabolism more than just cardio can.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Depends on your goals. C25k will be more cardiovascualr fitness. P90x is more for toning and building strong muscles.

    While running is great and has its many benefits, I only do it when I can't find any other machines for my warm up. One main reason I stopped running regularly is the flat butt it tends to result. If you look at most runners bodies, they have very strong legs but a flatter butt. Hope this helps.
  • amyrc12
    amyrc12 Posts: 183 Member
    I quit smoking about a month ago. Although I feel like a cheater b/c I bought a green smoke ecig... Love it btw - and my Dr encouraged it as a method to quit (NOT as a life long replacement).
    Now I am in week 2 of C25K - I use the one by NHS and I LOVE IT.
    I've always been an athlete - played college sports... but have never been a runner so to speak.
    So for me to actually look forward to a run is surprising me.

    I don't have any experience with P90 - so I can't compare the two.

    Everyone is different - so try one out - if you hate it - try something new ; )
    Good luck with the last few lbs!! You can do it! Look how far you have already come - amazing!!
  • gaelichound
    gaelichound Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations on your progress so far! I know how hard it is to fit it all in but once you start working out I think you'll enjoy seeing the changes in your body composition that come with it! I've not gone through the C25K program although I am a runner and enjoy a good 5K, but I have gone through the P90X program and am going to start another round soon. My personal recommendation is to start with the 5K. That's how I quit smoking and that's really important for about a million reasons. You'll find that smoking is holding you back from completing the program and you'll want to quit even more. Plus, running helps keep the weight off. P90X is a program that you need to dedicate an hour and 15 minutes to 6 days a week. It's a great program and I'm looking forward to doing it again! Keep in mind too that P90X is designed for people who want to ramp up their workouts. I wouldn't recommend it for someone who isn't already working out.

    Whatever you decide I hope you embrace it and, no matter what, don't ever give up!
  • joeclanton
    Thanks for everyone's input here! Support is an awesome motivator!