working out and starving after

So I have just started working out again. And afterwards im starving!!!!!! Do I eat? Or do i ignore the growling tummy!
I want to be sure my workout efforts arent being sabatosed. Any advice please?


  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Eat! Make sure you get enough carbs and protein after any workout.
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I drink a cup of chocolate milk and that has two benefits: supplies me with carbs and protein and fills me up.
    I guess it would depend on when you are working out. If it is after dinner, being that hungry may be a problem. I work out at 5:45 a.m., shower, go to work and eat my breakfast items at work.
  • kimeelicious
    kimeelicious Posts: 9 Member
    U've gotta eat! I usually try to workout in the AM before breakfast, so that I can really enjoy that first meal of the day knowing that I've already worked hard for it. LOL A protein drink (or recovery drink) works well also after a workout to calm down my growling tummy and give my body what it needs to recover. And, of course, lots and lots of water...!

    Good for you on starting back!! Congratulations!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I was told to eat within 45 minutes after working out. A protein shake and a banana would do.