Planning for being under on calories

Help! I am realatively new to this site and I hope you can help me. My suggested Calorie intake is 1520 but I try to keep that closer to the 1300 range. On the days that I exercise I eat at minimum half of those calories back, more if I need to get to the net of a little over 1300.
Here is my situation. I have a softball game tomorrow at 5:00PM. I can't eat big or heavy meals a couple of hours before I play or I will get sick. I also try to not eat anything after 7:00PM, I've found I sleep better. 90 minutes of softball will burn approximately 697 calories. I could eat a huge breakfast but I am normally not that hungry in the AM and since starting this diet, I have conditioned my stomach to appropriate portions and fill up fairly quickly.
I would rather not stop and get a burger or some other high calorie fast food just to meet a calorie requirement. I've been "fastfoodless" for 3 weeks and I am afraid the subsequent cravings would overpower me. I've read enough threads here to know Almonds and things are good for you and higher in calories but quite frankly I can't digest 5 servings of them to get to where I will need to be.

Truth be told, I would love to be able to record half of my workout time for Saturday and the other half for Sunday but I know you all would yell at me for that and I really don't want to cheat myself anyways. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    First, your body is not on a 24 hour timer. Eating some of your exercise calories back the next day is fine.

    Second, if you want to meet your goal on the day you exercise without eating more... try eating healthy high calorie foods; add a little olive oil when you're cooking breakfast, eat some avocado or nuts or peanut butter, drink a protein and/or fruit smoothie.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'd suggest get in some extra cals earlier in the day (add a peanut butter sandwich at 3pm for example) and pack something healthy for after the game - maybe a chicken/salad wrap and a tub of yoghurt. Then you can eat soon after working out and give your body some good fuel to run on.