just introducing myself

I am pretty new here, haven't really introduced myself.
I have been "fat all my life" I can't remember ever being thin. (although my mom has photos of me being thin when I was younger then 6 or 7) I have let this heavy load run my life, I have let it affect my personality and even my social life. I am constantly thinking someone is looking at me or talking about me because I am overweight (prally an insecurity from being in school and being teased all the time) I had a failed marriage (nothing at all to do with my weight) but I found an excuse for why he cheated so much "of course it had to be me, had to be my weight" but in all reality it wasn't me at all, he was just no good! I am tired of being angry about being fat, I am tired of feeling ugly and I am tired of being a "b***h" cuz i'm not happy with myself. I have a great family and I want to be happy for them. I am so glad I joined this site.....I'VE LOST 29 FREAKING LBS IN 35 DAYS!" how exciting is that? Now I know that the rest will come off slower then this first 29, but it gives me hope, it tells me that I can do it! Anyway Im Kristina, I started this site on march 8th weighing 269 lbs.....I am 5 ft 3 and currently weigh 240 lbs, my goal right now is 200 lbs (not sure what that even feels or looks like, but its gotta be better then 269) I am taking this day by day and if I make it (and I will make it) to 200 lbs then maybe my goal will be reset but as of right now i'd feel pretty fine taking a 69 lb loss.......well thanks for reading guys and gals and thank you so much for this website it is such a great motivator and the people here are such an inspiration.


  • SimplyDeLish
    Congrats on the loss so far! You can reach your goal.

    Here's to a brand new healthy you!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and Good Luck on your journey.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss already! It really is about seeing yourself differently (i too had many exes cheat on me, a couple with multiple women and blaimed myself) You can do anything you put your mind to :)
  • Aeliyah
    Aeliyah Posts: 247
    Hey Kristina! Welcome to the site!

    I started at 260 a few weeks ago... and my plan is to reach 200 as well. Once I get to that point, I'll reassess my goals with my health care provider and see if I need to lose more or just maintain (I'm about 6 feet tall). Maybe that can work for you too? Keep your goal at 200, and I promise you will feel SO much better and healthier, and you will be able to reassess yourself and decide what your next step is.

    Best of luck, and keep up the great work! Feel free to friend me if you'd like.

  • danielsmommy10
    that's awesome!! it's a pleasure to meet you. do you have any secrets for those of us newer than you?
  • addysmom1
    addysmom1 Posts: 22
    I have changed my eating habits....I was a frequent night eater (havent changed that, just what I was eating) I would eat poppers, hot wings, chips, cakes, ice cream if it was fattening I was chowing down, now its fruit or something light or something that fits into my daily calories. I started walking a few days a week 30-80 mins.....thats all I have done, i stay within my calories,i drink only water or 5 cal drinks and exercise a few days a week.....i knew it would come off fast (it always has) nows the harder part which is not seeing the big numbers anymore, but it feels to good to stop now............good luck with your journey
  • tarabambrick
    Welcome to MFP....you will find a huge supportive family on this site. Congrats on your weight loss thus far...It is the stepping stone to your future success. You can add me if you like..... keep up the good work.

    This is a quote that has always inspired me...thought I would share...

    "When you discover it's your choice and your attitude, things start to happen!"

  • zoecas2125
    zoecas2125 Posts: 27 Member
    Your not fat, your fluffy! Welcome! Glad you joined. We're all here to help and support you on your weight loss journey. I can be a struggle, but in the end the results pay off for your hard work. I'm happy that your ready for a life change.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • addysmom1
    addysmom1 Posts: 22

    "When you discover it's your choice and your attitude, things start to happen!"


    I find lots of truth in this, thanks for sharing