


  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    I HATE Couch to 5K ... and you can see from below that I have had some success with running. Here is what I recommend to people... "common sense running"

    Start out walking 2-3 miles comfortably. Add 30 secs running with 4 minutes of walking - then 3 minutes - then 2 minutes - then increase the running durations :)

    Yep. What she said.
  • Autumnskies
    Thanks everyone! I'll let you know how it goes. It is May 7th.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I loved the C25K program.

    I started running in August 2010 at the age of 42. I literally had never run in my life. I was the one who would refuse to run the one mile test in high school...I walked it.

    I have run two 5Ks and have one tomorrow. I have my first 10k next month.

    For breathing, I struggled at first.

    I learned to breathe out for three steps and in for two steps. That keeps side stitches at bay too. I am also a loud breather and thought I was the only one until I ran my first 5k and everyone is loud in their breathing. I think was I was trying to not be so noisy so that hindered my breathing and now I don't care who can hear me.
  • taliak262
    Autumnskies all I advise is to slow down. Slow down. Go slow and make it damn near comfortable. Work on increasing your distance only at first. You will succeed and enjoy running more! It will get easier.

    As for your 5K, good luck and have fun!