looking for advice on how to not overeat??

mblanke2000 Posts: 21 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
My name is Mandy and I have been on this site a couple months. I lost five but then gained it back because food is my enemy. At least that is how I feel. I can't stay out of the bad food sometimes. I don't know how to eat like a piece of chocolate in moderation. If I eat one piece I want 5 more and then it spirals from there it seems. I have been exercising 30 minutes a day at least. But I am not sure how to eat "enough" to stay satisfied until the next meal or snack. I have been trying to lose weight for a while now. I do good for a couple days and then I can't take being hungry anymore and feels like I binge eat. I am up for any help. I just need to know how to say no and stay on track. This is one thing that frustrates me. I get mad at myself for not being able to control myself when food is around. It is like a compulsion. Like I have to eat it because it is there. Is there something wrong with me???


  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    I understand the binging on chocolate thing, I lose control way too easily with chocolate around. I couldn't tell you exactly what helps me keep control, but if I don't buy chocolate in bulk, I won't eat it in bulk. I'll buy one of those fancy Ghirardelli chocolate bars and eat the whole thing and be satisfied for awhile. I think it's all in not keeping it around. If it's not there you can't eat it, and my laziness helps me to not want to walk to the store to go get it. :)

    Binging is a serious problem though, usually an emotional one. If you can get to the source of exactly why you feel the need to binge eat, you can help resolve the problem. Hope this helps a little bit, if at all.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    Eat high fiber foods and high protein, they keep me full for hours and I am having trouble getting in enough calories. Good luck.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    Also forgot to add to try to eat every 3-4 hours so hunger doesn't set in and lead to over eating:)
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    What rate of loss did you select when you signed up for MFP? With only 30 pounds to lose, you should have selected 1lb per week. So you may want to go back and check your settings and adjust them if necessary. If you drop it down from 2lbs per week to 1lb per week, you'll get some extra calories back.

    Are you eating any of your exercise calories? You should be.

    What are you eating? If you went the high carb/extremely low fat route and are also not exceeding MFP's protein goal, you're likely to be hungry all the time. You probably want to aim for .5g-1g protein per pound of bodyweight per day. You'll definitely feel fuller, longer if you get protein into every meal and snack. Try to stay away from the processed foods and simple starches, as they spike your blood sugar and then crash it which will make you hungry again shortly after eating.

    MFP also has VERY low goals for fiber.Women should be aiming for at least 25g of fiber per day.
  • mblanke2000
    mblanke2000 Posts: 21 Member
    Well I have to say that the last two days I have eaten over my calories even with my exercise. Mainly I think because of the candy. I usually am over the protein limit they give me and under everything else except sugar too. When I signed up I put only to lose 1 pound. I can sometimes deal with being a little hungry but then get to that point where I don't want to feel hungry anymore. I have just got to find the right balance of foods to stay full. There are some days that I don't eat back my exercise calories. I can easily gain back the five pounds I already lost. I don't think what I am doing is healthy but I can't figure out how to control it. Or lets just say it seems too hard. :(
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I did not look to see if your diary was public, but track your protein if you aren't, and try to get way more protein than what MFP suggests. Extra lean protein seems to keep me full so much longer- and if i eat my full 3oz of chicken or 4oz of fish at dinner i'm much fuller than if i ate a bunch of carbs which is my tendency. I drink lots of water and on hungry days i will often make a pot of homemade vegetable soup to help fill me up lots.

    I have begun avoiding things like crackers or fibre1 bars (i have been eating kashi bars now and they seem better) as it seems i can't limit myself. I have some and my body just craves more and more.

    I also trick myself visually- at lunch i make up a big plate of veggies and fruit and it looks like so much food. If i am still hungry after my main meal- i munch on green beans (love the thin french ones from costco) or celery.

    We keep our pantry free of crap. Because if i hit a low moment, if its here i will eat it. and i feel so much better if i don't!

    Good luck finding your groove!
  • marsts
    marsts Posts: 85
    dont buy the fatty, junk foods, and then there will be nothing in your house that can tempt you =)

    instead of reaching for the chocolate, reach for some carrots and ranch instead - you can eat moer, it fills you up, and it tastes great :)
  • marsts
    marsts Posts: 85
    dont buy the fatty, junk foods, and then there will be nothing in your house that can tempt you =)

    instead of reaching for the chocolate, reach for some carrots and ranch instead - you can eat moer, it fills you up, and it tastes great :)
  • I was the same way. I have to physically remove food, and put it out of my reach. I can't just split portions on my plate. And I have to quickly throw my daughter's food in the garbage when she is finished to avoid eating her food. People say that lowfat is not the way to go, but for me it is. I got the hungry girl cookbook. She has recipes with large quantities, and honestly I would rather have a large plate of alright food, than a small plate of awesome food. I dont feel satisfied till I am stuffed. Hopefully it gets easier the more you do it. Good luck you are not alone!
  • marsts
    marsts Posts: 85
    I was the same way. I have to physically remove food, and put it out of my reach. I can't just split portions on my plate. And I have to quickly throw my daughter's food in the garbage when she is finished to avoid eating her food. People say that lowfat is not the way to go, but for me it is. I got the hungry girl cookbook. She has recipes with large quantities, and honestly I would rather have a large plate of alright food, than a small plate of awesome food. I dont feel satisfied till I am stuffed. Hopefully it gets easier the more you do it. Good luck you are not alone!

    i totally agree, not as extreme, but as long as certain foods that i cant just say no to are around ill have one, and eat the whole thing and more! i always have to at some point think "ok you can do this, just put the dang chip bag back into the cupboard!" or else i just ask my mom not to buy them at all, knowing that something is there is just too tempting especially if i go "just one" and then "oh i worked out for a bit today...just one more" ...and one more, one more, and on and on and on
  • mblanke2000
    mblanke2000 Posts: 21 Member
    I totally agree. Thanks everyone for the advice. I can use all the advice I can get to keep me motivated. There is just alot of stress in my life right now. We are trying to build a house, which they are going to start digging next week and we are trying to sell our house. Sooo in the meantime we are living with my parents, well not just me but my husband and three kids. My kids are 9,5 and 3. We should only have about 7 more months here but I believe my problem is my Mom. She buys that crap even though she is trying to lose weight too. She gets mad when I ask her not to buys things sometimes because maybe she wants it or my dad eats whatever it is she buys. So it is hard not to have it in the house when I am not the only one buying groceries. So this is my dilema. Day by day is how I try and handle it but it is so hard!!! I guess that is why I reach out on here to help make it through.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    My name is Mandy and I have been on this site a couple months. I lost five but then gained it back because food is my enemy. At least that is how I feel. I can't stay out of the bad food sometimes. I don't know how to eat like a piece of chocolate in moderation. If I eat one piece I want 5 more and then it spirals from there it seems. I have been exercising 30 minutes a day at least. But I am not sure how to eat "enough" to stay satisfied until the next meal or snack. I have been trying to lose weight for a while now. I do good for a couple days and then I can't take being hungry anymore and feels like I binge eat. I am up for any help. I just need to know how to say no and stay on track. This is one thing that frustrates me. I get mad at myself for not being able to control myself when food is around. It is like a compulsion. Like I have to eat it because it is there. Is there something wrong with me???

    you need to deal with your demons before you think about "dieting" first. If eating a piece of chocolate in moderate is an issue for you then you SIMPLY DON"T EAT THE CHOCOLATE AT ALL. I don't mean to be mean, but I've been there hun, and I know this is true. The only way to overcome this is not go near your triggers. Start eating only high quality foods, think of food as fuel and stop thinking of it as pleasure anymore. You will have to say bye-bye to all your old "friends" because they are not needed in your life anymore. Say hello to fuel!!!! You need to eat once every 2-3 hours, so eating 6 times a day, each time it must consist of high quality balance of carbs and protein. when you are around food, learn which foods are fuel and which are pleasures----skip the pleasures and fuel up.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I totally agree. Thanks everyone for the advice. I can use all the advice I can get to keep me motivated. There is just alot of stress in my life right now. We are trying to build a house, which they are going to start digging next week and we are trying to sell our house. Sooo in the meantime we are living with my parents, well not just me but my husband and three kids. My kids are 9,5 and 3. We should only have about 7 more months here but I believe my problem is my Mom. She buys that crap even though she is trying to lose weight too. She gets mad when I ask her not to buys things sometimes because maybe she wants it or my dad eats whatever it is she buys. So it is hard not to have it in the house when I am not the only one buying groceries. So this is my dilema. Day by day is how I try and handle it but it is so hard!!! I guess that is why I reach out on here to help make it through.

    Yup, been there myself, I used to be your mom.....I buy it...we all eat it. You are in a tough situation and you may consider just learning to read labels and trying new foods between now and when you have your own place, don't beat yourself up in the next 7 months---take very small baby steps. Then when you rmom sees what you have accomplished after you move into your new home, then mom just might get it, and start making changes on her own. I no longer buy junk, I dropped 94 pounds, and the rest of the family is healthy!!!!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I did not look to see if your diary was public, but track your protein if you aren't, and try to get way more protein than what MFP suggests. Extra lean protein seems to keep me full so much longer- and if i eat my full 3oz of chicken or 4oz of fish at dinner i'm much fuller than if i ate a bunch of carbs which is my tendency. I drink lots of water and on hungry days i will often make a pot of homemade vegetable soup to help fill me up lots.

    I have begun avoiding things like crackers or fibre1 bars (i have been eating kashi bars now and they seem better) as it seems i can't limit myself. I have some and my body just craves more and more.

    I also trick myself visually- at lunch i make up a big plate of veggies and fruit and it looks like so much food. If i am still hungry after my main meal- i munch on green beans (love the thin french ones from costco) or celery.

    We keep our pantry free of crap. Because if i hit a low moment, if its here i will eat it. and i feel so much better if i don't!

    Good luck finding your groove!

    Excellent advice
    steer clear from those fancy labeled "Diet foods" on the market---we don't really need them. All we really need are high quality fresh foods---and I second the Extra lean protein.....I eat 110 grams a day.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    My name is Mandy and I have been on this site a couple months. I lost five but then gained it back because food is my enemy. At least that is how I feel. I can't stay out of the bad food sometimes. I don't know how to eat like a piece of chocolate in moderation. If I eat one piece I want 5 more and then it spirals from there it seems. I have been exercising 30 minutes a day at least. But I am not sure how to eat "enough" to stay satisfied until the next meal or snack. I have been trying to lose weight for a while now. I do good for a couple days and then I can't take being hungry anymore and feels like I binge eat. I am up for any help. I just need to know how to say no and stay on track. This is one thing that frustrates me. I get mad at myself for not being able to control myself when food is around. It is like a compulsion. Like I have to eat it because it is there. Is there something wrong with me???

    You need to make sure you are eating wholesome, plain ol' good foods before anything else. If I try to eat those frozen meals or some kind of pre-packaged something, I do NOT feel satisfied. Eat LOTS of veggies and protein.

    Drink a TON of water.

    Also, when you eat those hypothetical 5 pieces of chocolate cake, do you feel good? Or do you physically feel "yucky"? I know if I overindulge I feel physically ill. Like my tummy is messed up like whoa. I do not like that feeling. I do not like the feeling of feeling TOO full. When I started recognizing this is when I started improving my portion control. And trust me, if you are eating your fruits, protein, and veggies, you will NOT want to eat 5 pieces of cake.

    As far as stress and living with your parents....maybe try focusing on one thing a week. Like week 1, make sure you are constantly drinking water. Week 2, start eating more fruits and veggies at every meal. Etc. That way it's less overwhelming.

    Life happens. I know stress. Sometimes I feel like that's the only thing I get accomplished....is feeling stressed. haha. But you have to do this if it really matters to you! Good luck!
  • mblanke2000
    mblanke2000 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice. I appreciate all who posted. I am definitely going to work on staying within my calories and not eating the crap. Old habits are hard to break. And unfortunately I have been this way for a long time.
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