Day 4!!! Where's my motivation?

curvycreation Posts: 19 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I'm back on my diet again trying to get these 60lbs off! I'm on day 4 and am dreading the weekend full of treats and not motivation to exercise. I hope I can pull through and stay away from the movie popcorn and soda! Any tips on things that can give me a boost to exercise over the weekends where all I want to do is relax after a hard week at work?


  • curvycreation
    curvycreation Posts: 19 Member
    By the way, if you need friends to keep in touch and help you stay motivated, feel free to add me. We can try to help each other!
  • southafy
    southafy Posts: 6
    Hi there, My motivation the work out comes from the things i want to eat lol. If i know im going to go to the movie theater and want a small popcorn i will work out the extra calories i need to in order to have the pop corn.

    Hope this helps a little :)
  • shimila1101
    shimila1101 Posts: 119
    I find that if I have no motivation to work out, that simply getting on my workout clothes forces me to do it. I always feel better after I do and wonder why I didn't want to in the first place! Good luck and feel free to add me, we can all use support!
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    I try to make sure I'm full before I go out. My son wants to go to my favorite breakfast place tomorrow. So I have tried logging in my favorite foods there, as if I had already eaten them. One half of my favorite omellete and sauce would be 1200 calories! So I will select something different or leave the sauce off, and still enjoy my time with him.

    I'd love to be your friend. I just started this week, and I only have my sister.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    why is your weekend full of treats? can you replace the thoughts of movie popcorn as being a treat with the thought of movie popcorn being poison???? You just need to change your relationship with food. Think of it as fuel and not as pleasure. Stop associating food with certain activities. Only think of food as fuel. Replace things that used to be treats with things that are nothing but high quality foods. Bring in your own water bottle to the movie. Maybe you can bring in some nuts, or some cut up fruit, or frozen peas. If you want results, you will need to make these changes that will last forever and instead of temporary things that will only last as long as you feel like.
  • Shadeen
    Shadeen Posts: 3
    I do what southafy do but I also go in my room and look at the picture of in my bathing suit...ugh!!!! Also think about whatever progress you've already made and how you don't wanna mess that up. Good luck :)
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I try to make sure I'm full before I go out. My son wants to go to my favorite breakfast place tomorrow. So I have tried logging in my favorite foods there, as if I had already eaten them. One half of my favorite omellete and sauce would be 1200 calories! So I will select something different or leave the sauce off, and still enjoy my time with him.

    I'd love to be your friend. I just started this week, and I only have my sister.

    AMEN!!!! THat is another thing I tell people
    when we go out to dine---please try to focus on the people you are with rather than the food. this was hard for me to grip but now that I have gripped it---its the easiest thing ever and I don't realize why I never looked at it like this before.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    Oh also,

    I look forward to getting outside on the weekends, so I do fun stuff, but it always involves activity. It's beautiful this weekend, so we are hiking, for sure!
  • amazondan
    amazondan Posts: 35
    If I want the popcorn, I too figure out how much exercise I need to do IN ADVANCE to have that treat. And then I do it...or else I don't allow myself the popcorn. And that works ONLY because I know this program works. If I don't do the work upfront, then I'll bring some almonds or an apple.
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    I don't know that you need to have the same intensity every day, and cheat days are not totally evil - as long as they are within reason and limited. After years of starting and failing, I finally figured out that losing weight and living healthier is a journey, not a sprint. I have a few select indulgences I allow myself from time to time, and I don't lose sleep over a cheat day, even if it gets a little out of control. We're humans, not robots, and we should treat ourselves as such.
  • Jazzart
    Jazzart Posts: 28 Member
    Knowing what you're supposed to do and not doing it is something that you have complete control over. No-one is forcing you to overeat, not exercise or put the wrong things in your body, You have the power to do what's right for your body, now what you have to do is keep a strong mind and..... " Just Do It!! " There are thousands of people right here that you can turn to when you think you're feeling weak, We are all here to help motivate you in the right direction, Wishing you all the best,

  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    I've been on MFP for a while and I still don't always get it right, but for me telling myself that food is fuel and really knowing the reason why I have an excess amount of weight to lose....well...and why I have such an obsession with food (obsession and love are different) really helps me stick to the better things I could feed my body. Looking at food from a 'love' perspective vs. an 'obsession' persepctive makes a world of difference. It makes eating a salad more exciting or choosing fresh fruit over ice cream more interesting. Also having a good idea of what certain foods do to your body makes you shy away from them 90% of the time. I do not stop myself from having something but I also make sure I get enough to say "Oh that was good" and give it or throw it away. When I go to the movies, I still have popcorn but I'll have a kids popcorn w/o the butter and I'll only eat 1/2. Might not be the best choice but it's better than a large w/tons of butter :)

    The motivation to workout comes from the small goals I've set for myself (i.e. 30lbs = new bike) and doing some kick *kitten* workout that wears me completely out. I'm a Sweat Geek LOL
  • thumper67
    thumper67 Posts: 105
    You have to get it out of your head that your on a diet. When you think that way, you just set yourself up to fail. Think of it as fueling your body like you put gas in your car. It's all about the choices we make. You can choose to eat junk or you can choose to eat healthier. I just started my journey and the switch just went off in my head one day and I decided I don't want to be the fat chick anymore. So I now try to stay within my calorie goal for the day and workout. If I'm presented with a challenging situation like I will have on Easter, I will just do the best that I can and try and choose the items that would best fit. Do you really need that movie theater popcorn and pop? Try and bring a bottle of water and make your own popcorn at home and bring it in. I really don't think the employees will stop you. Well good luck. Adding you as a friend.
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