My doctor told me to do the Zone diet....



  • HollyMcCaw
    HollyMcCaw Posts: 154 Member
    Skips the bars and eat real food. Most of them taste terrible anyways. Just focus on balanced meals. An apple with peanut butter (carbs + fat/protein). Wine plus cheese. Meat and veg.

    Exlpore this page, lots of good ideas/information.

    Don't stress too much about getting exactly in the zone, just make sure you get a good balance of healthy fats, low-glycemic carbs, and lean protein. It doesn't have to be perfect .

    :) Agree 100%
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    New to MFP and glad to see some Zoners here. I have done WW and the Zone in the past I do much better on the Zone.

    Thanks for posting how to customize your food plan in the app. I am really excited about using this great tool to help me reach my goal.

    As for cost, the bars should only be used in emergencies, no other option available which is very rarely.
    The web site has recipes etc., your public library probably has any books you might feel you need. It is based on a lot of science, and you might want to get grounded in that but really it is just the 40 low gi carb/ 30 protein/ 30 good fats that you have to follow.
    I do fish oil I get locally not through the website, since it helps with my arthritic pain I have had my whole life. I have continued that through my weight gain. Fish oil is not the answer to losing weight, LOL.

    Make good decisions today everyone. And remember improvement, not perfection goes the distance.