Fasting next Tuesday. HELP!!!

Faith2FeelFabulous Posts: 46 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Ok. I'm doing this fast next Tuesday for one whole day. For personal reasons. Need to know if you guys know if I should drink water during. Or is a fast nothing at all?


  • lyonscl
    lyonscl Posts: 4 Member
    Drinking water and clear juices is advisable when fasting. You must stay hydrated. Additionally, if you ingested nothing at all, the hunger would be unbearable. Fasting is a good cleansing for the digestive system, but do take liquids. If you choose to fast longer than a day, you will find the second day easier. Good luck!
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Whenever I fast I drink as much water as I can. I also chew a few pieces of sugar free gum.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I am doing a 21 day fast. You are allowed to drink water while you fast. I am doing the Daniel Fast. For personal reasons as well. You need to decide if it is for 24 hours, or from sun up to sun down, it helps to have a SET time frame set up before you do i.
  • Yes, please do drink water! When you fast your body can release toxins. You may be able to tell if you start to get headachy or a bit nauseous or feel like you are "coming down with something". That is all normal. Drinking water will help clean out some of the toxins. Some people do a juice fast but then you should have fresh juices with no sugar added and maybe watered down a bit.
    I used to fast regularly for 24 or 36 hours. I did it for health but also as a christian it is a great way to get focused in prayer and study.
    It always helped me get through sugar cravings. When I was done fasting a baked potato sounded yummy and a salad tasted very good! Good luck and good health!
  • If it's not for any medical reason (surgery prep, etc.) definitely drink water. Also, if it's for any kind of spiritual reason you might be surprised what actually constitutes a fast in most major faiths. Very seldom does it require total abstinence from food and I've never heard of a fast that didn't allow water consumption. It's Good Friday today and Catholics are required to fast. One may, of course, eat nothing--but most feel the standard "one meal, two snacks" is plenty of sacrifice in our over-consumptive world. Anyway, Have fun! :smile:
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    The way I am doing it is. for 21 days no meat, no sugar, and no bread
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Fasting to me is 24 hours without food or water (which I do at least once a month, for religious reasons). However, it IS hard to feel hungry on a belly full of liquid ;)
  • Drlnmc
    Drlnmc Posts: 13
    If you are Fasting for religous reasons, there are lots of different types of Fasts available. You can purchase a book on the different types of Fasts from a local bookstore or Google them online. If you have any health issues (e.g. diabetes, high blood pressure, etc), you must take these into consideration when you are Fasting. Do not do anything that will put your health at risk.

    I Fast during the Lenten season and have done so for years. I typically select one or two days a week and maintain those days as Fasting days throughout Lent.. My Fast begins after my last meal the night before and ends at a particular time the next day (typically 5:00 or 6:00 pm). Most days this is a 24 hour fast. However, somedays it may be 22 or 23 hours. It depends on the time I eat the night before. During my Fast, I drink lots of liquids. I do allow myself to have a smoothie sometimes because of health related issues. Try not to drink a lot of juice or soda. These are loaded with sugar and "wasted" calories.

    Good luck wit your Fast.
  • Yes, I actually decided that every Friday I would fast from now on and today was my first Friday. It is very important to stay hydrated so your electrolytes are not affected. I had warm herbal teas (0 calories) , water, and sugar free gum and I didn't get hungry until tonight so I am going to drink more herbal tea w/a little fresh lemon.
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