Ab Ripper P90X

I did the Ab Ripper P90X for the 1st time yesterday & I :heart: ed it! I only did between 10 & 15 reps of each exercise. Hopefully, I will soon be able to do the full set of 25.

When I woke up this morning, I could barely move. I've done ab workouts before but my abs have NEVER been this sore. I'm NOT complaining @ all. I LOVE being sore after a good workout; it makes me feel as if I did something right.

To those of you who have done the AB RIPPER P90X, how often do you do the workout? In the video, he said not to do it everyday but I don't remember him saying how often you should do it. Maybe he did & I was just SO focused on the workout that I didn't hear him. I was thinking of doing it like 3 times a week but I'm just curious on how often everyone else does it. Also, how long did it take before you were able to see results? I know it all depends on the person's body build & I know that it's something that will take time. It's just that I'm going to the beach in about 2 or 3 months & I'd love to be able to see some results by then. I know I won't be ripped in 3 months; that would probably take a couple of years. But if I could just see a little improvement in my mid section, I would be extremely happy wth that.

Thanks for any & all feedback. I hope each & every one of you have a wonderful EASTER weekend.

GOD BLESS! :happy:


  • CRutherford73
    I just finished week 2 of the P90X series and I love it!!! but to answer your question, there schedule has me doing it on Day 1, 3, & 5.
  • rachawag
    rachawag Posts: 6 Member
    I do the an ripper every other day. I started noticing results about 4 weeks. I hope that helps :)
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    The p90x program has abripper x 3 days a week on its "classic" program, and two days a week on its "lean" program. Lean has a complete core workout one of the days that makes up for this. It will get easier...my first week of p90x I was really sore (jello legs the day after plyo) but week two was easier, and by week 3 I was fine. I can now get through ARX without pressing pause. It gets easier, but you should definitely give yourself a day of recovery for every day you do ARX.